Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, January 20, 2017

How are you feeling about President Trump, January 20, 2017?

It reminds me of when he had nothing but praise for the Clintons in 2009, the same year he converted from the Democratic Party, to the Republican Party.

Orange is the new whack.

"Go fuck yourself America."


  1. Take away the Golden Toupe, Botox & Plastic Surgery ...

    And Trump & Putin look like they were cloned from the same vat of goo.

    Wouldn't surprise me if they were at least "cousins" somewhere down the line.

    1. U.K. papers have said Trump looks just like Melania's father.

    2. No shit? LOL
      What a great reminder about Trump wanting to fuck his "daughter" (as if we could forget!)

      Melania's LONG GLOVES made her look more like a FEMBOT than ever.
      I assumed she didn't want to ACTUALLY TOUCH the Obama's with her Lily White Man-Hands -- & that was the best "compromise" her stylists could come up with! Lol

    3. Hand in glove
      The sun shines out of our behinds...
      ~ The Smiths

      Melania's Ice Blue suit was a nice balance to Trump's firey Orange presence. These people understand color pallets.

      Fire and Ice.

      Glaciers melting from The Globe-Al Warming. Wink wink

      I've been tracking an pale blue theme for a couple of years, since Breaking Bad's Blue Meth and finale song, "Baby Blue."

      Jackie Kennedy was wearing a baby pink suit with a pillbox hat on November 22, 1963. Now we r flipping poles to the opposite (trans) gender. It's a new sun.

    4. BLUE

      Look at that number its opposites. The 5 is just a 2 flipped. Do u see?

      Mirror worlds, doubles, mirror twins, one positive, one negative, just like a battery

    5. BLUE is also a scrambled LUBE.

      America's OIL wars make more sense now.

      Oil and water

      Adding, subtracting
      Multiplying and dividing

      Red, white, and blue flag, 50 stars
      Red + white is pink
      Blue + white is baby blue

      Boys and girls flipping back and forth 25/52
      To be or not to be.

      The Tube, TV

      Riding the tube
      The subway, underground
      The Unconscious

      Upper and Lower Egypt

      Did you know Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals? Those founding fathers were some handy bitches.

  2. Trump slams CIA director, asks if he was "the Leaker."

    That's another pee pee joke, lol.

  3. Did anyone see the CHOREOGRAPHED "protesters" who were (supposedly) "Battling The Police"? Lol

    As soon as they "shut the cameras down" at the Inaugural Lunch, MSNBC immediately went to "check on the situation in the streets".

    NOHING was going on ... until the "shot was established" --
    Then -- literally as if "ON CUE" --
    There was a flurry of loud popping sounds & puffs of smoke.

    The COPS were suddenly tossing around "FLASH BANGS".

    Then it rapidly devolved into the typical "ORGANIZED CHAOS" we're so used to seeing --

    Herky Jerky camera footage (Live!) ... people dressed all in black with their faces covered ... lots of milling about until the camera turned their way -- when suddenly everyone would Break & Run as though "in a panic".

    Lol -- they kept apologizing for the "Poor Sound Quality" ...
    Saying their "Sound Technician" HAD JUST BEEN PEPPER-SPRAYED BY COPS ... Lol!

    It was so ORCHESTRATED it was comical.

    Clearly they wanted people to believe that "CHAOS IN THE STREETS" was IMMINENT.

    I wouldn't doubt that by nightfall we'll be hearing about other "protests" springing up all around the country.

    Hilarious -- because in truth, Americans are too emotionally wrung-out to bother ... & the lithium & flouride in our air & water will ensure that we stay that way.

    Hell -- even the ACTORS PRETENDING TO "PROTEST" weren't able to work up enough steam to be convincing! Lol ;D

    1. It is reminiscent of what I saw with my own eyes on May 1, 2012 in Seattle.

    2. I was at the Bush inauguration in Washington's DiCk 2005. Heard anarchists were going to meet at such and such square and rally, or something. I thought it was ironic anarchists had agreed to meet at a specific place at a specific time. Lo and behold, almost on time, thousands of anarchists came storming down the street. I joined not knowing where they were going or what they planned to do. Made it a few blocks excitedly marching, took a left straight to a police barricade. Thousands of anarchists piled into a city block. We were stuck. Someone threw a trash can or something at the cops and hell broke loose. Tear gas. Pepper spray super soakers. It was nuts! Not a word on the news. Snipers on the roofs. Looking back on it I can't help but wonder if it was planned in cahoots with the cops/masons. Why would you turn down a street that was barricaded with a line of cops in riot gear?

      Pepper spray is no joke, especially coming from military grade super soakers. The wind carries it. You don't have to get a direct blast to be affected.

  4. Chinese/Lunar New Year on Saturday, January 28, it will be the year of the Rooster.

    Goes along well with the Golden (showers) Don Dawn/Sunrise theme.

    It dawned on me. Illumination sparks.

    DON = ODN (Odin)
    Odin is a one-eyed god, like Rooster Cogburn in True Grit.

    "The light of the body is in the eye, if therefore thy be single the whole body shall be full of light."
    ~Matthew 6:22

    Cock-a-doodle-doo ;-)

  5. It's all surreal to me. A lot of people at my school are really excited, but I'm just sharing my head at the whole thing. Nobody in my life cares for truth. The only person who's even close is my father's buddy, but all he's been talking about is how the NWO is over because of all that, and he's an Infowars guy. He might be the only one I'll be able to wake up. I just can't believe it's here.

  6. A rod has an illness. Steelers have flu virus. What does this mean? They lose?

    1. Epic game is all for #12. All of the best, played sick in championship games, it's a narrative.

  7. I was screamed at to move to Canada today after a conversation about Trump. Feels great.

    1. I heard someone say that only Democrats react badly to things and tear things up, Republicans always are on their best behavior. The guy who said it can best be described as an arrogant retard.
      For the record, I don't like either... But really?

  8. 11:47 EST (16:47 GMT)- Chief Justice John Roberts administers the oath of office to Donald Trump
    11:48- Marine Corps band plays Hail to the Chief
    11:50- Donald Trump is introduced for his inaugural address
    11:51- America's new president begins his speech, expected to last 20 minutes

    115 - Need I say more?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. So Ringling Brothers Circus is closing this year to make way for the Presidential Circus.

  11. All the ringling brothers were freemasons. And German/french. I read somewhere that lawyers and circus performers are the the professions with the most masons. Think it was James Shelby downward . Maybe this is a part of the "satya Yuga (truth age)" I keep hearing about. Like in the ghost ship fire. So no more "circuses" no more "fake news" in the age of aquarius?


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