Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, January 8, 2017

I thought I saw PTI (ESPN) clowning me earlier this week with the Giants and Colts (Maybe they were...)

This was on Wednesday, January 4, 2017.



    1. Game are not rigged? Did you miss the 42-yard hail mary to end the half? Hail Mary = 42; Touchdown = 42 (The down was 4th and 2)

      Then you must have missed the 41-yard TD to 'King' by Eli in his 13th season.

      King = 41
      41, the 13th prime (Eli's 13th season)

    2. Death to gematria.... it simply cannot predict consistent winners ;(((

    3. Death to gematria? You've never seen anyone with as good of predictions in your life. "Death to gematria". These are the words of a fucking moron, and no one else.

    4. Petty Zach almost all your picks are wrong hold this L

    5. That's not the point ... and there's no question you have proved sports are rigged but it's not consistence and can not be used for determining the out comes... plain and simple...and yes your previous pics were bang on but everyone gets some right... you need 10 or 20 in a row to put this to bed and that can not be done !!!!

    6. I dont think these games are rigged, i do however believe its been pre determined.

      Its starting to become clear that astrology is the key to unlocking the final secrets. I believe Gematria holds great value and goes a long way to explaining things as does numerology but Astrology is what will fit everything together.

      Astrology has been practiced for tens of thousands of years, not for no reason. I believe the guys do pre script the whole league through the fixture list by working out what teams play who on what dates to produce the correct results based on the birthdays of individuals. Sounds hard but in reality they only need to put the information into a system that would than calculate whatever desired season they want to pan out.


    8. jmontz how can it be predetermined but also not rigged? That makes no sense was that a typo?

    9. You consistently knock the gamblers but that's the only way your going to prove this stuff once and for all is through the ML and that can't be done so like I said RIP gematria !!!

    10. jmontz, did you watch the game? Did you see the 42-yard hail mary? How the fuck is that not rigged? All you have to do on that play is send your Safties to the back of the end zone to guard the pass. It is clearly rigged. You're embarrassing yourself brother.

    11. Matt Corey, jmontz has been writing more and more senseless bullshit, I think the trolls have gotten the better of his mind.

    12. You can find a relation for everything and nobody cares, just pick the winners ifs it's rigged and until that's done this practice is dead ... people are asking the hard questions and they can't be answered !! And your answer is we're trolls ?! what a joke !!
      Every single thing was wrong. Michigan than Ohio for college football rousey lost in the ufc colts and Vikings didn't even make the playoffs
      Absolutely nothing has come threw..if it did then I tell ten people then they would tell ten people and this shit would busted wide open but until then it simply can not be used to predict winners period !!!!

    13. Zach's never claimed that he can predict every championship correctly. He's claimed that Gematria proves that it is rigged (which it does), and he has made many successful predictions with it, but that is not the point of it.
      He has said many times that's not an exact science, and never claimed that it can predict every game. His point is that it is rigged!

      Getting a prediction wrong does not make all the millions of things that Gematria has revealed incorrect.

      Clearly there is a ton about this secret system they are using that we don't yet understand, but with time we will get better.

    14. Awesome! I'm WIDE THE FUCK AWAKE, bro! NFL is the last of my much time as you put into making vids, blogging, and calculating all the numbers for your so called rigged sports is probably about as much time as I put into watching it. Its entertainment for me and it's fun seeing athleticism. How exactly do you plan on "taking the world back?" Making YouTube videos and blogging to people trying to convince people everything around them is rigged and scripted? Lol....good luck. The only way is to disconnect from their "system" ignore it/reject it. Do you have names and addresses you plan on going to? The problem is our own acceptance to this system. You can't even get people to stop paying taxes as a have no clue, buddy.

    15. When you're ready to start the Revolution hit me up...ill fight by your side.

    16. Unfortunately, sports is the only way to reach people. Hoax shootings and rigged elections are just not as interesting to the average male. If we destroy their fantasy that sports are legit, then we can move on to the more important things.

      Also, what's so crazy about believing that most, if not all the players at least have an acknowledgement that it's a scripted game? How many players have played professional sports since their inception? Hundreds of thousands? Now compare that to the amount people who have lived in that time. Billions and billions. You're ultimately talking about a very small amount of the human population that have become sports players and celebrities. It's a very small club that makes up under 1% of the world's population. Ask yourself, would you throw an interception for millions of dollars? Maybe if you're a man of character you wouldn't, but I really think these people are selected because they are willing to sell their fans out. Don't tell me it's not possible. I've played baseball up until a certain point, then I became more interested in drums, so don't imply that I'm jealous. I was a very good baseball player. What I saw in this past World Series was joke level rigging. You're blind if you can't see it.

    17. Again. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK of it's scripted/rigged. Most people don't either. That's not what's keeping people enslaved or ignorant. Do you pay taxes? I bet you do? You're plugged into the same system I am dude. Football is the last thing anyone should be worried about trying to expose. You will not succeed by using that as a way to wake people up.....saying its rigged, here's the numbers to prove it, etc. Not an effective method...which is why this has gone nowhere. Yes, what you mentioned was a small percentage compared t9 amt of people in US, etc. Dude do you honestly think or believe that they all are in the know? They follow a script game by game? Every single person thats signed an NFL contact is in on it? Secrets are best kept in small groups....secret societies (skull n bones for example)...vs the NFL where half the players are thugs from the streets who still Some players are in and out in a year....they don't ever talk? Realistically? Think about that for a minute...just think.

    18. I think Zach is a great speaker. Knows how to get his point across and reach all types if people with his message. He has the ability to make a great impact....only this is what ruins that, IMO. There are so many more way to get truth out. So many other things than just Gematria. What do all the numbers mean? Take us down some rabbit holes or something. What does it all mean? How does it relate to the Zodiac\Cosmology? There's deeper meanings....sports predictions? Really?

    19. Jack and everyone else who is saying that it's not rigged/scripted, because outcomes can't be predicted with complete accuracy... where is your logic? When you watch a movie, is it not scripted, because you cannot predict what will happen? Please use your head.

      Aside from that, Zach has gotten so many games and champions right, sometimes months ahead and most of the time showing the exact numbers that will show up in the game that he is waaay ahead of statistics and most likely anyone else that has been trying to predict winners (I definitely haven't seen anyone more accurate).

      It makes no difference how many he gets wrong or right anymore, he already has a track record that speaks for itself from over these last 2 years, with statistical evidence backing up his claims every game. You have to remember that this is ongoing research and we do not have all the answers yet. You also have to remember that the final decisions on who wins what can be changed and those keys are held by the people that run these leagues.

    20. cognitive dissonance up in here, BIG TIME! that's what's keeping you from seeing how hard it would be to keep the thousands of NFL players who've signed any type of contract within each decade SILENT? Who would they go to? YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, just as any other TRUTHER group or WHISTLEBLOWER does. We see it with Chemtrails, Poisoned food, rigged elections, NASA, YOU NAME IT...but NFL? NOTHING - Zach is your only Whistleblower? someone who's looks to be about 5'9" and a buck fifty? probably can't throw a football further than my 5 yr old? Someone who would get broken in half the first down he would play in any contact sport. yea, you fuckers have no brains. haha

    21. even the announcer said it himself on the hail mary.."eli apple was just standing there and let randall cobb get in behind him to make the catch" totally scripted unless your blind.

    22. You guys are blind !! I've been following this blog religiously for 5 months now and it's not consistent and with out that you can't predict nothing.

      Just bc they kicked a field goal with 42 secs left and on the 42 yard line means nothing and you all know it. What brings the attention is the gamblers! Just look at the blog when zach post something about CNN there's 5 to 10 comments. when he post the NFL blog there's hundreds, and other then the multiple repeats of the Mike mannings and the other morons there all gamblers, bc that's how your going to prove this !! not through some fake shooting or bus crash.

      This isn't a discussion on weather or not the players are in on it or not, which i don't believe they are I personally know professional athletes that have never been asked to adjust there play.

      Maybe the refs but not all the players. Anyways Gary's right put the info against the ML and simply beat vegas and the books until then this is all just another discussion weather or not Jesus is real ...peace out onward and upward but not with gematria it proves nothing !!!

    23. @Corey, Sorry brother what im saying is these athletes aren't in on the rigging there playing out there role in the universe this is becoming more and more clear to me. The powers that control us do it through occult knowledge, they understand how the whole universe works. Numbers hold so much importance hence why there obsessed with them however the day we were born into the earth is also important our birth charts, star signs all hold significance and connect in with numbers.

      So when we see Green Bay beat Giants tonight, if we looked at and understood Astrology we could probably get a picture of what alignment the planets had with rodgers or Manning today and who it favored. Now if we could incorporate that with Gematria and what we know of certain numbers and numerology we could get a clearer understanding of whats happening.

      @Zach - Look at whats happened to you these past few weeks, you've said yourself there's a natural manifestation of these numbers in your life and this holds true for all of us. There is something far deeper going on here, fate is very much in play.

      Im not discrediting Gematria its invaluable but there's a massive lack of understanding around it and its clearly only a portion of the puzzle.

      1. Gematria can decode the language into numbers
      2. Numerology helps us explain the numbers
      3. Astrology when combined with the other two paint the perfect picture of whats to come in my opinion.

      Whats the first thing we look at for any event sports or otherwise? The time (Which is controlled fully by the zodiac, the clock is the representation of the zodiac) the time from the event and the birthday, we then look at what the value of the number could represent. So the birthday generally is the key study, does that not tell you that Astrology is clearly a massive part in all this?

      Senseless Bullshit? Come on man, thought you were better than this... How many people do you think have come across you on youtube watched a video and dismissed it after a few minuets as senseless bullshit? Thats because to them it is senseless bullshit because they dont understand it, when they persevere they gain knowledge. Don't be so quick to discredit another way of looking at something, especially when the current method needs to be questioned to find answers.

    24. I definitely agree that there is much more going on than we know, and I think Astrology would be a very smart thing for us to be looking into.

  2. Le' veon bell has numbers HIGHLY
    connected to

    -pope francis
    -solar eclipse

    ...check the comments on your
    Blog on the ECLIPSE

  3. zacc is fraud he dates asian lady boys gary married a model

  4. Mate if you think ESPN are directly doing things to jib you, you should go get a mental health check.

    I recall you suggesting they made up a reporters name "zach keefe" to "clown" you last year. Fuck mate get out of the house

    1. Have you had the mainstream media write any articles about you? Maybe you should check yourself in.

      Notice how the article also verifies the truth of my work.

      We do = 47

    2. Love seeing you wreck his idiotic comments, but hate to see you wasting your precious time on a lowlife troll/shill.

      I'm going to get more time to comment again soon. I'll try to take over for you so they don't deceive the new people.

  5. The 'victor' script has clearly been changed to discredit the truth seeker movement. They are going with plan B, C or D. Who wins does not matter to them so long as they still can use the scoreboard and yardage on a play to promote their numbers and inevitably make sure they win in Vegas. As I type this, the score of Green Bay vs. NYG game equals 51 (i.e. tribute to Super Bowl LI).

    1. And the Packers won by 25. Giants = 25

    2. And I might as well point out Death = 38; Killing = 38 ... i.e. basically telling Zach they have killed his prediction ... seems on purpose to me

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Odell Beckham's # is 13 and death = 38 so pure mockery

  6. You're a nobody Zack

    Stop the madness

    1. The fact that you're paid to troll my blog shows otherwise. None of you are very good at your job.

    2. i know for a fact that no one pays me to come here, i thought you were awesome about a year ago and then realised youre a massive liar, and also jewish. good to see you actually responding to people on your blog for once .

      who do you think is paying for someone calling themselves "harry butts 106" to post stupid shit on your blog man, HRC? no one bro. no ones a paid shill. these people are just real people with as much or less time on their hands as you have, who are sick of your arrogant ass attitude and lying ways. tell us all again how you can afford to live without having worked in like 4 years?

    3. Staunch, the fact that someone can spend literally thousands of hours writing completely empty comments full of nonsense and negativity against something that has been overwhelmingly proven scientifically and statistically thousands of times over clearly shows that they have ill intentions. Them being paid for those hours makes much more sense than them wasting all that time on something they think is absolute bogus. There are tens of thousands of channels and blogs out there that are absolute bogus, why would someone take all that time out of their life to visit the same one over and over again? Not only that, but this is work that could easily be disproven if it wasn't valid since the evidence lies in statistics. Why would someone spend all that time, but none of it on actually helping anyone and disproving the evidence put forward? Shilling makes much more sense to me than trolling, especially considering he has like dozen alts and is literally on every blog with a bunch of them. Trolling as the answer to this seems far-fetched to me.

    4. There are paid shill all over the internet. Thousands of them. It's called perception management. Plus a lot of jews and masons do it for free on their own time. For fun or for the brotherhood. The 2% know exactly who they are and they know how to work together to rule the 98%. Scumbags are going DOWN. I can't wait to get my hands on some of them.

  7. Don't listen to these assholes, Zach. They're all about the money. They care about nothing else. I bet they've been living in their parents' basements for far too long. Walls started to cave in on them. Don't even know what a woman tastes like or anything. They're just trying to bring you down to their level. Rise above.

    1. Thanks brother, it is obvious they're all jealous haters, otherwise they wouldn't be paid to be here trolling. It's a sad gang.

    2. It's downright disgusting half the things they say. Their focus is on trolling others who can correctly predict sporting events, trying to profit from other people's hard work. There is no question that games are scripted. You and countless others have proven that. I've applied the Gematria code myself and came up with some starting results. These people who are trolling your site care nothing for making this world better. Has that not been your message from the start?

    3. No, I believe those guys played some of your picks and lost money, so they are after you right now; I am expecting same thing to happen with me at after while should ANY picks lose. Get used to it!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Matt, that's too bad that you don't find any value of Matrix888. It speaks greatly for your level of intelligence, which, upon my opinion is close to ZERO.

      Just for your information, in 2009 I did the LARGEST bank acquisition transaction in SouthEast Europe worth millions with BIG "M". If someone is retarded, he/she won't be able to do is pretty SIMPLE fact. CASE CLOSED.

      I feel sorry for you: you are like a sheep following the shepherd...The sooner you realize this, the better for you.

    6. Lastly Matt, if you care to win money "for real" when betting, please visit our Special FREE section at - we brought an expert recently, ex-bookie of the 2 largest betting houses in Europe with more than 10+++ years' experience, and he is so far 3 of 4 - his lines do NOT use any "alternative odds" just the basic odds given EVERYWHERE, and guess what, he does NOT NEED GEMATRIA...he is a professional who knows what he is going...GET SOME REAL KNOWLEDGE and Tips! If you followed "blindly" what he listed so far, you've made excellent...

    7. Milo, multiple picks I have gotten right, you have been here GUARANTEEING an alternate pick which was incorrect. You troll here with the best of them.

    8. Milo's NHL picks might be the dumbest shit ive ever seen, tries to pick overs based on numbers and gets them just as wrong as you do Zach. hey Zach how about that redskins v packers decode i sent you with overwhelming evidence for redskins that you completely ignored, picked packers and was completely wrong? youre too stubborn man, i can see why your mates left you

  8. Zack , better luck next year you.

    Your my GOY!

  9. Zack stop the lies , I called your picks retarded week 1!

    You're a fraud... go smoke meth

  10. Hail Mary =DAGGER!

    Zack when is trump dying ???? Lmao 😂

  11. 38-"13" giants get slayed in a big game (nimrod) sun of game 51 like Super Bowl. College football: Wisconsin "Bart Houston" started against Lsu @ Lambeu field and beat them - former team of #13 Beckham* - also 2 commercials with clay Mathews playing against Houston Texans ... wears #52 Super Bowl on 2/5 ... whoever says sports are not rigged is deff not awake enough - besides code there are even patterns u can clearly see ... yest games (over / under ) today's games (under / over) total flips and this happens all the time with the spreads and totals. total on this game 44 screamed Wisconsin in gematria anyway.

    1. Houston game totaled 41 like 'Super Bowl' as well. Do you think it will be a Packers Texans Super Bowl this year? Way out in left field. Texans do have the "#1" defense.

    2. I just see it meaning that packers are going to Houston

  12. The Colts are 16-16 the last two seasons
    They missed the playoffs last season.

    You got mind fucked and the script excuse is a paper cut faggot!

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. You have more bullshit wrong picks then everyone else combined. Eat a dick.

    2. Matt, you're absolutely wrong - feel free to visit the website and see the Track record - it speaks for itself - 70% on NHL picks, 30%+++ return overall on everything else since mid August, which make 6+ months. I saw my initial post has been removed by Zachary, I guess he CANNOT stand the criticism...Actually I am NOT bragging, the LOSS is only yours in this case., Hope that the administrator will NOT remove this post.

    3. One more thing Matt: Instead of "playing a SMART ASS", if you would've taken TRUMP for President when I gave it here in this Blog, before ANYONE on the Street, the odds were 7:1, Do u know how much I made with this Bet? 17,500 Dollars. Just to compare, Cleveland Cavs to win the title before the season were 2:1 favorites, Golden State was 1/2:1, NOT worth to put in ANY money...When you realize that SIMPLE ENGLISH GEMATRIA does NOT work well vs. the True Old Codes XVI c. plus the English Kabbalah, then we can talk Gematria. Until then, as I said above, the LOSS is only yours by undermining our work...

  14. ZACK get the Vaseline and ride the "L"!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I agree 100%. I still like Zach's knowledge and a4t, but reading the comments raises my blood pressure. I think it will be Falcons Chiefs myself, possibly Falcons Patriots. They'll probably do their two favorite Zionist fuck boys Rodgers and Brady in the end though, the two assholes that easy the most Mason dick for sure.

  17. The problem is u can find numbers for every team so my advice is stop tryna predict the games winners in just decide the games

    The nfl is scripted but they dont use numbers for the outcome

  18. The problem is u can find numbers for every team so my advice is stop tryna predict the games winners in just decide the games

    The nfl is scripted but they dont use numbers for the outcome

  19. You have so much damn hate in your heart you're going down.

  20. Lion stop being a bitch, grow a pair retard.

    Get with the winning team or continue being a Minion !

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Well said Lion strong. Unfortunately people are really into pro sports, and when the "conspiracy theorists" get something wrong, they use it to discredit them. I went back to the comment section on Zach's Colts Vikings predictive programming video that got 36 K views after they got eliminated and it got trolled the crap out of. People will do anything to stay asleep, like robots. I have a friend at school who's a huge Pats fan who always says Brady's the GOAT while I know that shouldn't be.

  23. Odell going to Miami before a playoff game was The clue.


    Odell was sacrificed , a fish in a NET!!! Remember Odell on one knee like Zacks mom?

    Gaymateia is for frauds .

    Harry collecting $$$$$ and Souls!

    1. As much of troll as you are, I do think you touch on things that need to be mentioned from time to time...

      I told my dad that the Giants shirtless pic from Miami would be used as a narrative for their collapse. Notice Odell played very poorly today (dropped 2 balls he usually makes in his sleep)... Now they have their narrative for the sheep to discuss at their slave jobs tomorrow...

      "Odell's gotta man up and become more mature!"

      He'll win his rigged ring sometime. Just not this year.

  24. Ikr it's just sad and Brady's career is a scripted joke.

  25. Was impressed by the 42 yard hail mary... validation of the rigged scripted sports we all enjoy:)

  26. Yo Lionstrong Zach said we are the same age. Are you 16 like me?

  27. Glad to know there's someone my age here.

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. Zack is a fraud.

    Germatria is for retarded gamblers

    Hook line sinker!

    1. So tell us now, who will be the Superbowl finalists, if you're such an expert. You keep saying you know it all, but never give a prediction!!

    2. It's been patriots as long as I have had patriots, he hasn't talked much nfc. Mind you, we were the only two taking Patriots from the start. We were Assuming Brady was in based off of his deflate gate delayed suspension, among other things.

  30. Predictions totally wrong and he keep saying that is rigged, please shut up and keep imagine your number. Im sure your receive a good check from the nfl to give us wrong pick

  31. the way to beat these shitbags is to hit em where it hurts. dont own a tell a vision, don't purchase their merch, and don't go to games

  32. This might be your worst post ever PTI throwing shade at you 😂😂😂😂

  33. Lmao all these trolls just come out of nowhere and trash folks. I never saw these ppl on this blog until now. Just a bunch of parasites.

  34. Zach.. 156= false flag lol.. Doesn't look good for you. I enjoy the information you put out. But it seems clear to me now lol..

  35. See, two smartest 16 years old around, right here. That's worth a 1,000,000x more than all the trolls.

  36. Zack trolls his own followers


  37. Wisdom from Lionstrong. Appreciate your honesty. You're on point.


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