Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Reader Contribution | Flat Earth Facts & Logic


  1. Because that's EVERY FLAT EARTHER... Lol. You were destroyed by Jeranism, and he's likely a shill himself, profiting off the movement.

    1. Jeranism has been "researching" for years and still hasn't figured out that the Moon is a sphere.

    2. Thanks Joe. Goes to show the smarts of these flat earth retards. Jeranism's strongest argument all night was that says the Coriolis Effect isn't real. Think about that for a minute, because it is the truth. Only a fucking moron would say Jeranism won the debate. Again, he didn't even know the moon was a sphere. It makes one wonder, what has he been researching? What have you been researching Legionary? And yes, those comments are very reflective of the flat earth community for going on 2-years.

    3. How the fuck do you know it's a sphere though? We only see one face because of random chance? Is it not possible that it rotates like a dish? The Sun and Moon appear the same size due to random chance? Lol. The Sun's distance, according to mason science, has changed several times since this phony model has been accepted. You even admitted the 93 million miles figure is way off yourself, so what is it Jew nose? If that's off, the whole model is fucked. You're 100% an actor/agent on YouTube, and the last few weeks make that clear as day.

    4. You are welcome Zach. Here is an experiment a child could do. The next time the Moon is out on a sunny day, just hold up a ball next to it. The ball will have the exact same shadow.

    5. Yes, how does one "figure out" that the moon is a sphere? I'm intrigued. It must take untold amounts of research and intellect.

    6. @thelegionary07 Stop being anti semitic bro, its not all Jews that are involved in the NWO plot. The jesuit catholics are the true power in control now, more than the "Jews". Those people are not actually jews but Khazarians, they are fake jews.

    7. Exactly, it doesnt look good for us truthers because it looks like you're generalising all of them.

    8. Couldn't you do the same with a plate? ?

    9. Right a plate IS a circle. If you were looking down at it from above at a certain ANGLE it would APPEAR round and u might assume it was a ball.



      Exactly, and Zach said this exact thing in the Jeranism interview, but it only applies when it supports his argument.

    11. Legionary I can end your cognitive dissonance and show you the Flat Earth theory was false all along:

      FE says the star are on a dome-shaped shaped surface and all rotation around a single point in the North (where Polaris is).
      In the southern hemisphere we can see a different point around which stars rotation (in the opposite direction), this is impossible on the FE.
      When I (in Australia) look away from the centre of the FE (southwards), I see the exact same stars that someone in South Africa or South America sees when they look look away from the centre of the FE, even though we are all looking in *completely different* directions according the FE map!

      The FE says that the Sun and Moon disappear from our view due to perspective. If this was actually true, their angle of elevation would not change at a uniform rate, it would be faster when overhead (and thus closer) and slower when near the horizon. Imagine a plane flying over head and off into the distance.
      Similarly, the Sun and Moon should shrink as they disappear into the horizon if it were due to perspective, but they don't, if anything they look larger when near the horizon.

      There is literally NO WAY around this. Ask yourself why the Flat Earth pushers (who benefit from the scene through attention, money and community) cannot explain these things, and go out of their way NOT to discuss them and to ban people like me from their forums. I'm just trying to help you, man, because I too was sucked into the Flat Earth theory, but I came to accept the evidence proves it false.

    12. This comment has been removed by the author.


      How does the 93 million mile away Sun do this? Lol.

    14. RIP Self-illuminating flat Moon.

    15. I don't believe that the sun is 93 million miles away, I think it is much closer, and so does Zachary.

      That has nothing to do with Flat Earth though.

  2. Ignorance is bliss, right steamroller?

  3. Your YouTube subs dropped back to the 400s
    But keep up the work.

  4. This debate is as tedious as Sisyphus ROLLING that rock up the hill everyday only to have it fall back at night. It's useless and polarizing.

    Hamster balls are round. Are we inside one rolling it around a track to nowhere?
    Makes more sense than the official story.

  5. I hate this FLAT EARTH argument SOOOOO MUCH stop talking about this dumb shit!! The earth isn't Flat!!!

    The only thing that is FLAT on earth ARE MAN MADE THINGS like flat roads, flat currency, flat apartments, flat credit cards, flat mortarboards for when you graduate from FLAT HEAD high school... flat phones, flat screen tvs... Made Made FLAT BIBLE

    Any moron who would actually look at nature would know the earth is NOT flat!

    There is nothing in nature that is inherently flat... sure you can say a leaf in a tree is flat but the larger organism aka the TREE is spherical in shape, naturally.

    Rocks, flowers, animals, plants, clouds, rain drops, NATURE as a whole have 95% MORE ROUND SPHERICAL EXAMPLES than flat ones...

    for Christ sake when your Mom was pregnant with you did she have a FLAT round belly? FUCK No, it was spherical in shape just like her ball like titties and of course she couldn't of gotten pregnant from a FLAT DICK WITH FLAT BALLS.... Round Spherical Balls did the job

    1. Fruits, vegetables - inherently round spherical shapes.... NOT FLAT

    2. MAN Literally takes A ROUND SPHERICAL shape tree and what do we do? We make FLAT PAPER OUT OF IT to put FAKE BIBLE SCRIPTURE on it.... even though the Bible is nothing more than a story about NATURE itself LOL

    3. Now THIS is the argument of a "retard". How'd they make those train tracks go around the ball Earth? Not one person who has ever created train tracks has said that they've accounted for curvature. It's because it's a fairy tale, that you still "beLIEve"

    4. Lol another man made example... Train Tracks.... made by man... and are FLAT.

    5. Use your round spherical brain and see with your round spherical eye balls

    6. I'll follow Nature OVER ANYTHING ELSE and this natural Apple I am able to grip with the BALLS of my finger tips is all the proof I need

    7. How'd they get the tracks around the ball if they didn't even account for the curvature dummy? It's because there is none.

    8. Well, one major first step MAN had to do in order to lay the tracks down is..

      they first had to CUT DOWN A ROUND SPHERICAL TREE to chop it up into FLAT pieces of wood to start... LOL

      Then they would have to mine for ROUND SPHERICAL ROCK shapes such as Iron and other metals so Man can melt them together into a FLAT piece LMAO

      Then they would take a specific piece of natural bumpy land and FLATTEN IT OUT.. LOL..... do you see a pattern starting to from here..

      Look, everything we've ever know such as knowledge, information, technology ALL COMES FROM NATURE.... so wouldn't it be obvious to ASK NATURE whether the earth is a flat circle or a ball circle? Nature won't lie to you and nature doesn't have an agenda... Nature just is what it is....

      This weekend go to a natural habitat and ask it, ask nature to provide you with natural examples of flat circles... and then ask nature to provide you with natural examples of spherical circles............. 10 times out of 10... spherical is all you will find

    9. Lol you're a special kind of stupid. How does that answer the question of "How were they able to do all of it perfectly without accounting for any curvature?"

      Why do planes never have to keep flying downwards to keep from flying off a ball?

      I'm done with this topic. I'm not participating in this clear as day divide and conquer operation any further. The retard is the one calling others retards, while they supported him. The most retarded thing I've ever done was donate.

    10. *as he types on his flat keyboard staring aggressively at his flat computer screen*

      What are you going to eat tonight? Pizza? Lol

    11. HAHA I know what kind of natural you like to think about thanks for the insight... you like cucumbers aye... is that what you eat... round spherical moon shape bananas

    12. When's the last time you touched a woman? Likely never. Now that's a bet I'll take.

    13. To quote Tre 6 Mafia (666).. "SLOB on my Knob like CORN on the cobb"

      notice it's not.. "Like a pig sausage"

      Because really, ask yourself, how does nature create a pig sausage?

      First, Man and animal co-exist along within nature. Man finds spherical object within nature. Man makes it flat and sharp. Man sticks pig with flat sharp object. Drains blood... ect. ect.

    14. My body is rounded and curved in some places, but I myself am not a ball.

      Balls are for kicking. I am not a ball anD I don't live on top of one. That doesn't mean I believe I live on a totally flat plain, there are mountains and deserts and sunken areas just like a human body which is not a ball.

    15. Oh yeah? Why don't you kick your own balls then...

      All I am saying is there are abundantly more examples of round spherical natural shapes in our reality than there are flat. And there are abundantly more examples of flat shaped objects created by man then there are in the natural world. So if you wanted to find out from a source that won't lie to you and doesn't have a hidden agenda.. look at natural examples of nature to determine which is more apparent in reality.... spherical round shapes... or flat round shapes... HERP DERP

    16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    17. Don't even bother Prunella. You've always been one of the smarter people posting on here, but now you're in the "retard box" for merely have questions and legit thoughts..

    18. Listen to your buddy here Prunella. Don't bother. You might stubb your BIG ROUND TOE because we all thelegionary07 is being a MELON head .... A MELON HEAD who rocks FLAT caps on his DOME.

      A dome (from Latin: domus) is an architectural element that resembles the hollow upper half of a sphere

    19. Anybody who is interested might want to look up ANAMORPHOSIS.
      Ana meaning back or again, and morphe meaning shape or form.
      Perspective can be and is easy to distort.

      "The dome and vault of the Church of St. Ignazio in Rome, painted by Andrea Pozzo, represents the pinnacle of illusion. Due to neighboring monks complaining about about blocked light, Pozzo was commissioned to paint the ceiling to to look like the inside of a dome, instead of building a real dome. As the ceiling is FLAT there is only one spot where the illusion is perfect and the dome looks real."

      I think its likely that the Earth is placed still in that one spot but told we r spinning on a ball in order to keep the ILLUSION going.

      Getting spun on the wheel of fortune? No thanks, hamster ball boy.

    20. It's the atmosphere that spins around us, we r in the eye of the storm on even surface, not on top of a ball rolling around and around millions of miles per hour. That is a load of bullshit.

    21. And a dome is not a ball. There is a difference between a curved shape and a ball.
      There are domes over flat fields where u can play ball though.

    22. So self centered of Prunella. You're entire view on Flat Earth can be explained from an example of a MAN MADE painting? MAN MADE Illusion that tricks only the MENTAL mind and not the PHYSICAL world? Cmon man.. what have I been talking about this whole time....

      Step away from the MAN MADE examples.. and look towards the NATURAL WORLD examples....

      A man made field that's flat. A stadium built out of natural resources made into flat building materials only to be built to resemble a natural curved enclosing which humans coined a "DOME".... WOW HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I WONDER WHERE ARCHITECTURE HUMANS GOT AN IDEA OF A ROUND CURVE SPHERICAL SHAPE... was it.. an old painting? LOL

      No, it was from nature. Everything comes from nature first. Why would the shape of the world itself be any different.

  6. They got em good on this one, Zach. Flat earth mentality is ridiculous.

  7. I'd rather someone have this stance. You are still questioning things, as am I. Not accepting one model as 100%. There's lies on both sides, but the ball Earth is dying, so they need Zachary Gay Hubbard to shut down anyone who questions things outside rigged sports.

  8. I agree with you veganballer 100%, I dont 100% know what shape the earth, nobody does because it cant be 100% proven. The spinning ball model is not correct, that I know for sure, pushing globalism to support their global warming BS and other things.

  9. Flat earth? Maybe flat d**k:) LOL!


  10. A movie screen is flat, but it can show u 3d moving pictures. Isn't that amazing!
    Red and Blue 3d glasses

    Camouflage works because it fades into the background so well.

  11. legion - what happened? I thought you were a good contributor to this blog. Am I missing something here?

  12. Flat Earth sucks people in to the point of complete dependency. Because Zach attacks the Flat Earth, which legionary identifies with, he feels personally attacked.

  13. Sorry for the name calling. Wasn't attacking anyone in particular just frustration building. People praise Eric dushill like he's some sort of Demi god. Same with b.o.bitch

  14. @thelegionary07 I am starting to think the same thing that they are all just working together to make us look like complete fools. I believe that colts vs giants/vikings was a phy op from the beginning because its strange that almost everybody had the SAME pick.

    Also if you put the falcons and patriots together (anagrams) it makes the words factional sports and stop fractionals. hmmm something smells.

  15. What is 3D ? Another fabricated term.

    Is the picture moving or colors changing ?



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