Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The lead up the 8:58 stage exit (Images from 8:51 to 8:58)

On the right, Little Satan, aka Zionist Supreme Commander of United States.

Camera goes to another man who is Jewish.  As if we didn't see enough with Rahm Emanuel.

Jewish man, front and center.

What's wrong with her?

8:53 or (20:53)
8:53 = 8+53 = 61 (Obama's birth year) (White House = 61)

The speech was 49-minutes.  Washington = 49

I noticed the younger daughter was missing.

8:58, stage exit.

Freemasonry = 58; Secret Society = 58; Annuit Coeptis = 58; United States = 58
Trump just won the 58th election; 1/20/2017 = 1+20+20+17 = 58


  1. 2 minutes before 9
    II + 9
    119 reverse of 911

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The menora behind the president is cool too.

    The stars symbolize the candles.

  4. Replies
    1. Obama is aka B J Armstrong Richard Pryor's son. Moochelle is his half sister Rain Pryor. The Kids are Jamie Foxx's kids. Obama is also the grandson of William Randolph Hearst the second.

    2. Check out my twitter page...

    3. "Final Speech " in English Sumerian equals 588 (or 8:58)

  5. bob is stealing from

  6. We still don't really know who Obama....was. lol.

  7. Someone needs to write a "rule" book because apparently we can now ignore the number 8? in 8:58? and only focus on the 58? I thought it was the 0 that was the only "number" able to be dropped because it doesn't count. But I guess we can take a number like 44362133 and say see.. the 33 at the end..

    I mean, at the very least, add them together (8+5+8) to show it equals 21, like the life lesson date numerology for the day of the speech (1+10+2+0+1+7) which is 21. That just seems a little more legit than dropping the 8 in 8:58

    I mean, if you were to decode a football game like this do you think your pick will be right based off that? ... I mean, what are the rules here if any at all. I wish someone knew.

    1. "changed" reduced 33
      858 english = ninety three

    2. No we don't know the exact rules of how this works, we are trying to figure it out.

      Reflections are very common. So you see the 47/74 coding together a lot (eg. Boeing 747).
      Beast = 47
      Beauty = 74

      Judge = 47
      Jury = 74


      858, contains 85 and 58 (which are reflections of each other), and is same backwards as forwards. We're not ignoring the first 8.

      Never have I seen something like 44362133, drop the 33...

  8. Guess what. Obama is scripted and planned because he follows the Zionist satanic plan. Trump will be non scripted speeches because he said fuck all that.

    1. He said fuck all that because that's his scriped line, to get fools like you to bite.

    2. I think the powers that be allowed Trump free reign to spout out anything he wanted during the campaign. But, if you watched his acceptance speech, he took on a completely different tone. And, we will see just how many of his campaign promises will be quelled now that he has to follow their script.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. False narratives will be put to shame, for God is in charge and truth shall put them in chains, and free better men from tyranny!

  9. Zach -- your vid on the 8/21/17 SOLAR ECLIPSE was great!

    The "Point of Greatest Eclipse" will be at

    ... 1:24:41 pm (CT) ... & last for ... 2 Min 40 Sec.

    This will occur in ... CHRISTIAN COUNTY, KY

    Near the NW side of ... HOPKINSVILLE ... (aka "Hoptown").

    Specifically at ... 36.9664 N -- 87.6709 W.

    Nearly 3 hrs away, LOUISVILLE will ... "LOSE 96% Of The SUN".

    Also within "The Path" --

    NASHVILLE will be "Eclipsed" for: 1 Min 47 Sec.


    HOPKINSVILLE, KY is where "The Sleeping (or) Christian Prophet"
    -- EDGAR CAYCE -- is buried ...

    & is W of the 351 ft. (107.0 m.) JEFFERSON DAVIS MONUMENT ...

    -- the 2nd TALLEST OBELISK In The WORLD (after the Washington Monument)

    -- the Tallest CONCRETE OBELISK In The World

    -- the Tallest UNREINFORCED Concrete STRUCTURE In The World.

    Supposedly no other Eclipse has darkened this much of the U.S. "since the early 1900s ...


    On the SAME DATE -- AUGUST 21 -- in 1955 ... local legend says

    An ALIEN SPACECRAFT landed in nearby KELLY, KY.

    "Little Green Men" harassed the "11 MEMBER" Sullivan Family --

    From SUNSET ... until "around 11:15" (pm) ... then returned later & left just before SUNRISE.

    Locals claim that STEVEN SPIELBERG took inspiration for "E.T." & "Gremlins" from "The Kelly Incident".


    As you mentioned in your Eclipse video -- our existence DOES often seem like "The Truman Show". Sometimes you can almost FEEL "It" -- an "observance" that extends beyond Big Brother's Surveillance State.

    And even small experiences sometimes feel "contrived".

    With that in mind -- closer inspection reveals there to be much about this upcoming Eclipse that seems both ODD ... & ENGINEERED.

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