Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

91 | Why does YouTube support the flat earth psyop? For those duped by the psyop, please weigh in

2.5k views, 1k comments?  How could anyone say YouTube isn't complicit with the Flat Earth Psyop?

Again, people who are duped by the flat earth psyop, why does YouTube sabotage videos that expose the lies of the flat earth agenda, while at the same time promoting the videos that spread the lies of the flat earth psyop?  Isn't this truly the single biggest proof of what an agenda this truly is?  I honestly don't know how anyone could say otherwise with a straight face.



  1. Zach I think that guy that calls Gematria Effect from Portland every week is right. I think you should take a break from YouTube. Stick to the blog and book. Most of the important info you document is on the blog anyway. If people still don't want to come to the blog, that's their problem. There are fewer trolls here, and the ones that do exist are so obvious. As for the FE community, don't let them bring you down. And your fellow man has been retarded for a long time both now and before the rise of the FE community. You didn't let the lack of open minded people on 9/11 bring you down, so don't let the FE community do it either. But please take a break, do videos on the big false flags and sporting contests and just that. Not 4-5 a day like for the last 3 years. The world can't afford to lose people like you

  2. Just drop the FE subject, you can't do anything about it. You're antagonizing people on something they think to be true so let them. Worry about stuff you can control. Just lighting the fire for many who think you're a shill. Do rant videos if you need to get frustration out because it seems like you're taking it out on the FE'ers and they're getting pissed about it. I don't care about the shape of the earth and the videos are getting annoying, putting out videos that are just pissing FE'ers off and everyone else doesn't want to watch it. Stick to contrived media/Sports/False Flags.

    1. Its called click-bait. Puttin in the Work

    2. The flat earth is a PSYOP. That is what I do. Expose the things that control the minds of the masses. This one is causing the most trouble for me in terms of the work I do. If you don't know what I go through, keep your ignorant opinions to yourself.

  3. Agree! Ignore Flat Earth, don't give any more energy to it.

  4. Zach -- they are that dumb. You are preaching to 99.9999% non-thinking bodies of cells that can't form a creative, personal thought in their mind (I'm pretty sure you already know that). I really enjoy your videos -- they are a highlight of a lot of my days, when the brain-dead public wear on me; you give me that hope. Don't give up.

    1. Thanks Tyler, I do it for people like you. This is the first comment that didn't make me want to smash my head into the wall so far.

    2. your the man zach keep doing what you do the real ones will listen

  5. Listened to part of the radio show last night. As I understood it you were there to hear what they had to say and discuss the topic. You are right... there really isn't any way to definitively prove it one way or another. Jeran said it woke him up. He's VERY invested in it and that's ok. It doesn't matter to me or to you because we woke up in other ways. I will listen to FE but I'm not invested either way. Globe makes more sense based on what I know but whatever... I remain open based on the fact that most of what we are taught is shades of the truth. It seems that this is your basic approach to the whole topic based on what you keep saying. Keep doing your thing! Let them do theirs. Different people wake up in different ways, in the end everyone's goal is the same.

  6. I'm not a bot, and I've thumbs downed all your videos on the topic, not because of your OPINION, but because you've been a dickhead for about 2 months. You're clearly delusional if you think it's YouTube only, fucking with your stats. Have you read your comments section? Lol.

    Explain Dubay's website being taken down, and his 200 proofs video having just as many thumbs down as thumbs up... I'm not even a Dubay fan boy. He thinks Hitler was some kind of hero, when he was controlled opposition as well.

  7. Stilling waiting on an answer for this question Zach...


    1. Notice Jeff and I haven't talked in awhile. I told him I wasn't going to associate with anyone pushing flat earth, I said farewell, then I plugged his record for him.

    2. I see...
      So this is worth losing friends over, eh?
      If we only had friends who agreed on 100% of what we believed, we'd be very lonely people... Think about that one...

  8. Ok so we can all agree that NASA lies to us? Yes. And there's problems with both the sphere and flat models? Yes. Its something we can never know for sure. Its kind of like Gary had Cowboys in the NFC and Zach had Giants. It ended up being the Falcons. Both were wrong and it created division. Now that its the Falcons both Gary and Zach can now see clearly why they're in the SB. Until we know for sure what we are living on, we are never going to agree. Its knowledge that hasn't been unlocked yet. The problem I have with Zachs thinking is why not just say "I don't know", instead of supporting the sphere. I can understand his problem with flat earth because of the possible psyop, I just can't understand why he accepts what we've been taught in school and what "they" tell us we live on.

    1. Nicholas, I recommended people bet on the Falcons long before the season began. Your presentation is not accurate. Get caught up before speaking, or know the facts.

    2. I know this. But you promoted and were most confident in the Giants, so I used that in my example just to compare it to flat vs sphere.

  9. Once people can comprehend the size of a human being to the earth they will know ...they can easily and I mean easily use math to determine a lot .but flat heads won't bother

    1. The saying is "numbers never lie" it should be " math never lies"

    2. All of the people on earth standing standing side by side can fit into the city limits of Jacksonville Fla. Do the math.

    3. All of the gold ever mined on earth can fit into a tennis court 50 feet high.

    4. Flat earthers no doubt make great points but it doesent prove Prove PROVE evorp !the earth is flat and it destroys the one Thing that we humans have PROVED! with math and measurement and that is the extrodinary orbits of the sun moon planets as well as the constalations.That is one of the few things we as people can always ground ourself to that is the universe and our Mother Earth that feeds us.
      Now if you think the earth is artificial what are you? If all that is fake the earth is "flat" what are you/we? Fe theory is going backward look at our human anatomy ..... ok I'm done

    5. The truth about the shape and nature of the earth will come out in due time. Until then everybody will be pissing into the wind.

    6. Yes Illbundy. FE has derailed so many things. Crucial things for humanity.

  10. Shape of Earth= who cares its meaningless to are existence. Only Bible be-liars think it matters!
    If the government came out tomorrow and said we lied, we are sorry the earth is flat, ppl would be upset for two minutes then say" You lied to us, BUT you at least came clean and now we can move forward love my masters!(Stockholm syndrome on full blast)" Then they say "OOooH donuts"!

    Only thing I'm concerned about is the 60-100 million ppl who will die in Sept and the massive economic collapse after this year and your lack of covering it in anyway.

    I mean there is massive gematria and predictive programming, Trump is a diversion making america great, which he will do and get all the idiots behind him for a set up to WW3.

    I have emailed you info on this, but its really could be a 5 hour video with the amount of information that is related.

    1. Nothing is gonna happen in Sept. WW3 is a hoax. Change is never on the menue. Same ole same ole. Pats can still lose though. Dynasties do end.

    2. Sounds good, wanna trade worlds yours sounds nice?

    3. The world is a MUCH better place than you have been led to believe.

    4. It's okay, not going to live being delusional. I don't Believe anything, it is a emotions or feeling with out proof or fact.

    5. They always tell us the world is gonna end. But if it does, it ends for them too. They would lose much more than us. They want to keep everything the same. I don't blame them.

  11. Bingo! It is pretty pointless. dividers. The truth is somewhere out there.

  12. Zach, I'm probably a horrible person to choose for your litmus test.

    I still consider much of the Bible to be true and the way out. Even though you and others will probably see it as a cop out.. My answer to all this shape of the earth stuff is Psalm 139:6.

     139:6 - Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.

    Having said that, the suppression/promotion of views is real and sinister. You are the only one even close to putting that to an end with what you show. Keep on keeping on.

    I'm not taken by it. Nor do I care that much to know.


      Watch this video

    2. I don't consider myself a Christian. And man... What a boring video. But thanks for sharing

    3. I'll stay on for at least another year. Mad1Dog was the right one to call on, always the voice of reason. And what the verse says, is what I said at first, but then the flat earth nonsense got out of hand, and now it needs to be put to rest, because it is absurd and nothing but problematic. The behavior of the flat earth community, the idiocy they spam everywhere on truth videos 24/7, just needs to vanish.

    4. It won't vanish. It will however pale in comparison to what matters when what matters gets more attention and care.

  13. Neither of the two options you are given is correct.

  14. You better still be friends with Jeff Young. I don't give a damn what shape the earth is. You don't base a relation ship on that. You don't even base it if things are known to be wrong or not. You have friends that are friends that don't believe in what you are doing. There's no reason to break up with Jeff Young.

  15. Zack likes round balls !

    That's the TRUTH!!!!!

  16. lmaooo

    I vote for Harry as the new truth seeker. Zach is a fraud. I almost donated some money to him too. Thank God.

  17. Thanks Zack for continuing to expose this flat earth psyop! All you flatards need to focus on what we have proven and do know in the truth community. Psyop=91, flat earth=91.


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