Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

33 137 152 184 187 213 | Stevie Steve says 'I need my McNuggets' +Tribute to 1984 McDonald's massacre

Today is April 18, 2017, or 18/4...

'I need my nuggets', without the Mc, connects back to the original details of the story, from Easter.

McNuggets?  Happy meal?

The name McDonald also connects to Pennsylvania.

Henry Sayers?

Freemasonry = 58; Secret Society = 58; McDonalds = 85

20 piece?  The right count for 'death'.

The use of McDonalds in this hoax is no coincidence.

Remember the 1984 McDonalds San Ysidro massacre, nearly 33-years ago now?  Let me remind you about that incident and '187', in light of this being the conclusion to the story of the killing of Robert Godwin Sr.

Now, let's go back to '1984'.

The McDonald's massacre was 187-days after the death of Ray Kroc, who made McDonald's the franchise that it is.  He died January 14, 1984.

McDonald's is headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois.

Of course, 187 is the homicide code in California, where the San Ysidro massacre happened.

From 1984 to 2017 is 33-years.

Here's the '33 connection.

The next massacre in history would be in Killeen, Texas

October = 33

Don't forget the recent propaganda in the media from the end of 2015 when the 3 big headlines were the deaths of Ronald Johnson and Laquan McDonald in Chicago, and the "ISIS massacre" in San Bernardino, where Ray Kroc opened his first McDonalds.  

San Bernardino = 114 (Ray Kroc Dead 1/14)

ALSO, one last point about 'Golden Arches' in regards to this story...

McDonalds love to target black americans to feed them their poisonous food with their advertising.

We know a lot of black men have died by the 213 code...

Oddly enough, Ellen is also in the news promoting Wendy's nuggets...

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