Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, April 16, 2017

48 57 79 96 111 119 137 156 187 213 223 | The August 13, 1990 injury to Curtis Mayfield and his December 26, 1999 death, just before 2000

Notice he was born in '42, on June 3, or 3/6, or 6/3.  Singer = 36

6/3/1942 = 6+3+19+42 = 70 (Music)
6/3/1942 = 6+3+1+9+4+2 = 25
6/3/42 = 6+3+42 = 51

12/26/1999 = 12+26+19+99 = 156 (Thirty-Three = 156)
12/26/1999 = 12+26+(1+9+9+9) = 66
12/26/1999 = 1+2+2+6+1+9+9+9 = 39
12/26/99 = 12+26+99 = 137 (137, 33rd prime)
12/26 = 38 (Death = 38)

Notice he died on a date with '38' numerology.

He died 206-days after his 57th birthday.

He began his career with the Impressions.

The name Gematria of this man really pops out.  Especially in light of his accident in Brooklyn, New York, August 13, 1990.  That happened on his 72nd day of being 48-years-old...

It was August of 1963 that The Impressions self titled album was put out, 27-years-earlier, what we know as the 'ritual' number.  Ritual = 27

 Remember, Brooklyn, New York is the home of the Synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:7.

Mayfield was '48' years old when this happened to him in Brooklyn.

 Notice the word 'Scaffold' connects to 'Mayfield'.

The date of the injury had the following numerology.

8/13/1990 = 8+13+19+90 = 130
8/13/1990 = 8+13+(1+9+9+0) = 40
8/13/1990 = 8+1+3+1+9+9+0 = 31
8/13/90 = 8+13+90 = 111 (New York = 111)

He would die 206-days after turning 57, more than 9-years later.  You could also say it was a span of 207-days.


Again, Curtis died at age 57, like some other people we know.  Hello Prince.

Jews = 10+5+23+19 = 57

In light of him dying just before New Year's Eve for 2000, the Prince song really does come to mind...

LAST, where the wind blew the 'scaffold', was the 'Windgate Field'.

Notice his last album in 1996, New World Order.

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