Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, September 8, 2017

13 23 41 45 67 99 169 | Category 7: The End of the World (TV Movie, November 6, 2005) +Geostorm October 20, 2017

7 is the 4th prime
The divisors of 4 sum to 7

Hurricane = 74 (Hebrew)
The qualifying wind speed for a Hurricane is 74 MPH
*Nuclear = 74 (Irma being called "Nuclear Hurricane")

13 is the 7th Fibonacci Number

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 (The first 1 is one, the second 1 is two, the 2 is three and so on...)

Notice the length of this film, 2 hours and 49 minutes, or 169 minutes.

13 x 13 = 169

Now, about Irma and Jose.

Hurricanes Irma and Jose are on the same path, for the U.S.A.  U.S.A. = 21+19+1 = 41


41, the 13th prime number (13 stripes, 13 stars, 13 colonies; Star = 13)

Jose Irma also have this overlap.

This film released on a date with '42' numerology.

11/6/2005 = 11+6+20+05 = 42

November 6 is 911 upside down.  It is also the date that leaves 155-days left in the year.

God = 55; Satan = 55; Numerology = 55; Fibonacci = 55; Earthquake = 55

Now the title of the film.

The Flood = 83 (Hebrew)
Flood = 83
Murder = 83

Saffir-Simpson Scale = 111
Conspiracy = 123; Mankind = 123

This ties in with the upcoming release of Geostorm, October 20, 2017.

The Flood = 40; Houston = 40; Old Testament = 40; United States = 40; 40" rain
USA = 41; Irma = 41; 13th prime
112, alt dialing code for 911; Mathematics = 112; Circle = 112; Sacred = 112
7/14/1776 = 104; Jerusalem = 104; 10-4

October 20, 2017 was a tribute to the flooding of Texas on the 27-year anniversary of the death of Stevie Ray Vaughn, who died August 27, 1990.

10/20/2017 = 10+20+20+17 = 67
10/20/2017 = 10+20+(2+0+1+7) = 40 (Geostorm)

Alchemy, chemicals, mentalism, changing things to the way you want them to be.  Ancient.

For some bonus gematria.

Saturn = 93; Time = 93


Geostorm is releasing 41-days after September 9, 2017, when Irma is supposed to impact Miami.

41, the 13th prime

Miami is supposed to be hit 9/9 (Sep. 9)

Not to be forgotten, Hurricane Harvey made landfall in Texas on August 25, 2017, exactly 56-days before the release of Geostorm, October 20.  October = 33; 8/25 = 8+25 = 33

8-weeks, Hurricane Harvey, HH, 88...

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