Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, September 7, 2017

13 25 41 45 97 99 | Miami in line for direct hit from Hurricane Irma, September 7, 2017 headlines from CNN

I think this story was made to fuck Miami up.  I'm sure there is all sorts of people the Jews in town can't wait to relocate.  Miami is 'orthodox' city.  Real estate is about to be on the cheap!

Killer = 144; Time = 144

Recall how Miami and Irma connect to '13'.

Miami = 45
Thirteen = 45

Irma = 41
41, the 13th prime

Irma could touch Miami late September 9, or 9/9.

Thirteen = 99

Also, early September 10...

9/10/2017 = 9+10+20+17 = 56 (Hurricane) (All Seeing Eye)

This news comes September 7.  Hurricane = 97; Death = 97

Jose which is just behind has the '13' connection too.

Death = 213
Irma was named August 31 (31st day...) (Reflection of 13)

Flood = 25; Death = 25; 97, the 25th prime

It has been 25 years since a Category 5 hit the U.S.  5x5 = 25

Miami on the 25th parallel...

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