Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, September 11, 2017

19 38 44 77 97 119 144 | Death of 19-year old Chicago teen Kenneka Jenkins, found in hotel freezer (September 11, 2017 news)

This story out of Rosemont is big news on September 11, or 11/9.

All Seeing Eye = 119; Star of David = 119; Orthodox = 119

Notice Rosemont sums to 119.  This teen was 19.  Teen = 19; Chaos = 19

Death = 38 / 97; Murder = 38; Killing = 38

The word freeze fits as well.

This story is out of the Crowne Plaza Hotel.

September Eleventh = 77
World Trade Center = 77
United States = 77
Power = 77

The name Kenneka Jenkin is interesting.

May 23, or 23/5 (like 235), is the 143rd day of the year.

Scottish Rite of Freemasonry = 143 (23.5 degrees on the compasses)

Death = 25
Kill = 28 / 44 (107, the 28th prime); Teen = 44; Cook = 44 (Cook County)
Chicago = 143; Scottish Rite of Freemasonry = 143

The mother's name fits with '119'.

Tereasa Martin = 144 (Divisors of 119 sum to 144)

Forty-Four = 144

Cook = 44
Teen = 44
Kill = 44



Masonic = 115
Killing = 115

She was found early September 10, 2017 in a freezr.

9/10/2017 = 9+1+0+(20+17) = 47

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