Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

26 39 53 139 127 143 | Possible bones of Simon Peter found by maintenance worker at Church of Santa Maria in Cappella

It's a fitting date for news about a Saint.

St. = 19+20 = 39
9/13/17 = 9+13+17 = 39

Bone of Peter...? 

Bones = 26; Peter = 26; Adam = 26; God = 26; Heaven = 26; Torah = 26; 
*Letter = 26

Notice how Saint Peter overlaps with Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.  Mason = 26 / 62

M, the 13th letter, today is the 13th.  In every alphabet that has an M, the word for Mason begins with 'M'.

Religion = 46; Catholic = 35 / 46; JFK, 35th President, dead at 46
New Testament = 159; Resurrection = 159; Scottish Rite = 159

This news comes September 13, or 13/9.

The name Simon Peter is also interesting.

Pastor = 26; Church = 101, 26th prime; Skeleton = 101; Bones = 26
Man = 28; Peter = 28
God = 55; Satan = 55; Numerology = 55; Fibonacci = 55
Christianity = 65; Knights Templar = 65; 13x5 = 65

As for the man who found it, the 'maintenance worker', notice how that title connects back to '13' and the Bible.

Free to Find Truth = 189

This story was also written about by the Telegraph, September 11, New Year's Day of the Coptic Christian Church.

35-years?  Catholic = 35; Eye = 35; Holy See = 35

It was the Church of Santa Maria, connecting to Saint.

307, the 63rd prime  Saint = 63
*September 13 leaves 109 days left in the year (Catholic and International attention today)
*Jesus Christ = 74; Jesus = 74
*New Testament = 42 / 66; Math = 42 / 66
*Bible = 30; 113, the 30th prime

As they say, all roads lead to Rome.

Scottish Rite = 57
Masonic = 74

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