Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, September 8, 2017

27 54 251 | MLB Standings after the night of September 8, 2017 ("54" "Baseball" Day)

In light of today being the 251st day of the year, the 54th prime, and having 54 date numerology, we should pay attention to the standings after today's games.  There might be some monumental clues for the upcoming World Series.

9/8/2017 = 9+8+20+17 = 54 (251st day of year, 54th prime)
9/8/2017 = 9+8+2+0+1+7 = 27

Cuba, baseball land, is getting rocked by Irma at the moment.

This is ESPN's front page for today's games.

The Nationals and Astros both have 54 losses.

I liked Nationals or Dodgers in NL, and Astros were one of my top teams in AL, just as they were my top team last year in AL for Spring Training picks.

Big tribute to the Cleveland Indians, who lost last year to the Chicago Cubs.

Here are the completed games at the time of this post:

Today is 46-days to the start of the World Series, October 24, or a span of 47.

It will be the 113th World Series.

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