Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, September 8, 2017

35 44 88 128 144 174 | Nuclear Hurricane, the film, April 4, 2007 (TV movie, predictive programming)

Check out this movie that came out 10-years ago, April 4, 2007.  4/4 is something else.

April Fourth = 144; Ten = 144; Time = 144

4/4/2017 = 4+4+20+17 = 35 (Flooding)

The film also runs 88 minutes.

As for the 1:28...  we know 128 is connected to destruction.

Flash Flooding; Flooded = 128

The director's last name, 'Ray', also sums to 44.  Ray = 18+1+25 = 44

His full name sums to 174, like New World Order = 174

Conspiracy = 153
Order = 60 / 33
Scottish Rite = 57
Masonry = 33; Secrecy = 33

As for the writer...

Masonry = 42 / 105 / 84

This film has the same premise as Geostorm, which is releasing this October, in theaters.  It is about military equipment turning against people and creating chaos with the weather.

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