Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, September 7, 2017

38 49 163 | Seattle Seahwaks at San Francisco 49ers, December 8, 1991 +Story about my Dad and I

Derek shared with me his first story about going to a football game with his father, which sparked a memory of mine...

The first time I went to an NFL game, my dad's friend took my father and myself up to Seattle to see my dad's favorite 49ers.  Notice the date of the game, December 8, 1991.  The game ended with the Seahawks Rick Mier fumbling at the goal line, as the Seahawks were going for the put-away score, and the 49ers defense running it back for a near touchdown (almost 100 yards).  Moments later the 49ers offense would score, and the Seahawks fans would cry.  That was the day the cowbell in the Kingdome died.  In seconds, it went from crazy loud, to very quiet.

12/8/1991 = 1+2+8+1+9+9+1 = 31

About that 31... My dad's birthday is April 18, 1953.  Mine is July 21, 1983.

4/18/1953 = 4+1+8+1+9+5+3 = 31
7/21/1983 = 7+2+1+1+9+8+3 = 31

31 is the 11th prime, and football is a game of 11 on 11.

If you do the math, you'll notice my dad was 38-years old at the time of the game.  The 49ers, are named after the Gold Rush.

Gold = 7+15+12+4 = 38

Forty-Niners connects right back to 38.  I was also born in '83 (Football = 83)

Forty = 6+15+18+20+25 = 84
Niners = 14+9+14+5+18+19 = 79
Forty-Niners = 163 (163, the 38th prime)

In Super Bowl 50, the 49ers hosted the Denver Broncos and Carolina Panthers.  The team from the 38th State, Colorado, won.  That game was February 7, the 38th day of the year, in 2016.

Colorado = 3+6+3+6+9+1+4+6 = 38 (38th State)
Panthers = 7+1+5+2+8+5+9+1 = 38 (Losing team on 38th day)

My dad's name, Timothy, and my name, Zach, both have gematria of 38 as well.

Timothy = 2+9+4+6+2+8+7 = 38
Zach = 26+1+3+8 = 38

Years later, I would go to my first 49ers game in San Francisco, October 10, 2010, the date they hosted the Philadelphia Eagles and Alex Smith finally grew a pair.  Remember, the Eagles are from Philadelphia, named from Revelation.

Eagles = 5+1+7+12+5+19 = 49 (49ers vs Eagles)
Revelation = 9+5+4+5+3+1+2+9+6+5 = 49

In Jewish Gematria, 'Revelation' sums to 1010.  Again, the date was 10/10 no matter how you write.

Zach Hubbard = 8+1+3+8+8+3+2+2+1+9+4 = 49
7/21/1983 = 7+21+(1+9+8+3) = 49

My birthday is 94-days after my father's, and 49-days before my mother's.  Welcome to the Matrix.

*One last observation... the game I did see with my father, it ended in 46 combined points.  If you add our ages at the time of the game, 38+8, it too was 46.

Father and Son = 199 (46th prime) (Reverse Oridnal Gematria)

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