Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, September 15, 2017

64 74 93 107 159 165 176 | The Jack Parsons "Bucket Bomb" tribute in the Parsons Green false flag, September 15, 2017

Today's "bucket bomb" in Parsons Green, September 15, 2017, is a tribute to John (Jack) Parsons, the Thelemite occultist, and scientist.

John Parsons = 58; Freemasonry = 58; Secret Society = 58

Dead at 37.

Notice he died June 17, in an accidental explosion.  That date is written 17/6.

Now notice the 176 Gematria of Bucket Bomb.

He died 107-days from his birthday, and September 15, today, is the day that leaves 107-days left in the year.

107 is the 28th prime; Kill = 28

As for him being in Thelema, that is where '93' is the number.

Today's attack came 93-days after the ritualistic Grenfell Tower fire of June 14, 2017.

On this same day, Cassini crashed into Saturn.  Rocket scientist?

Cassini = 74; London = 74; Masonic = 74

Jesus Christ = 146; Apartment Fire = 146; United Kingdom = 146; June 14, 14/6 fire
Jesus Christ = 74; Jesus = 74; Cross = 74; Grenfell Tower opened in '74; Burnt Offering = 74

Crucifix = 93; Nazareth = 93; God's Son = 93; Solar Man = 93

***  Bucket = Bomb = 176

As for Crowley, who invented Thelema, and its worship of 93, check out the name of the most injured victim from the attack.... Peter Crowley.

I love how the headline calls him a 'legend'.  Legend = 47; Time = 47

This news comes September 15, or 15/9.

Also in the headlines today, 'Black Man'.  Black Man = 159

It's news by the numbers.

101, the 26th prime; Peter = 26

Thelema = 64
Do what thou wilt = 64

Israel = 64 (Hebrew too)
Zion = 64

Peter Crowley also synchs with the Scottish Rite coding, 159 / 165.

Princess Diana = 132; Dead 132-days from Queen's birthday
Scottish Rite = 57
Freemason = 42

Masonry = 33 / 39

The crown of Crowley's head was burned.  Crown?  Royalty?  It's a sick joke.

Last point, today's news also comes 104-days after the London Bridge Bombing, June 3, 2017, which was 74-days after the March 22 attack.  London = 74; Masonic = 74

Notice how the birthname of Parsons synchs.

It was a span of 105 days as well.

Zionism = 105; Masonry = 105


Masonic = 319; Killing = 319

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