Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, February 12, 2018

27 42 48 52 74 86 223 | Death of Texas State Trooper, Jeffrey Nichols, who crashed into a 'tree', March 26, 2016

Dying on the 86th day of the year is suspicious.  So is dying at age 27.

Blood Sacrifice = 86 (Reverse Reduction)
Ritual = 27 (Reduction)

There appears to be a riddle with the Tree of Life here, regarding his death...

3/26/2016 = 3+2+6+2+0+1+6 = 20 (Death = 20, Reduction)

This man crashed into a TREE.

The Tree of Life has 22-paths and 3-columns (322 / 223) consisting of 10 sephirot.

223, the 48th prime

There is an 'evil' half of the 'tree' in Kabbalah...

He died 52-days after his birthday...

Notice the reporting says he died Saturday, March 26, 2016.

He died 7-weeks and 3-days after his 27th birthday.

Sacrifice = 73; Ritual Sacrifice = 73

He died a span of 7-weeks 4-days after his 27th birthday.

Jeffrey Nichols = 74; Masonic = 74; Kiling = 74

*The news came on a date with numerology of 46.

3/27/16 = 3+27+16 = 46 (Sacrifice = 46) (In Hebrew, Kill = 46; Murder = 46)

It was also a date with numerology of 66, and he was part of Paris, Texas Police.

3/27/2017 = 3+27+20+16 = 66

Killing = 74 / 155; Masonic = 74 / 155
Masonic = 223; 223, the 48th prime; Tree = 48; Evil = 48; Freemason = 48

He was given a Highway Memorial on Highway 82.

And notice it was FM 38 where he veered off near Tigertown where he crashed....

Death = 38; Murder = 38; Killing = 38

4200 block...

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