Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

25 44 46 97 199 | 19-year-old stabbed to death near Prince George's school, February 5, 2019

A 19-year-old has been killed.  19, the number of 2019.

And notice the mention of 8pm.  19, the 8th prime

From 7:52 to 8:36 is 44-minutes.  Kill = 44; Teen = 44

Keep in mind today is 2/5 or 5/2.  Death = 25 / 52

Notice this happened near where Prince George goes to school, born July 22, 2013.

Today is his 199th day of his age, 5.

199, the 46th prime

The question is, at what age do ritual sacrifices begin for the elite?

97, the 25th prime

1 comment:

  1. "Battersea"=28(Full Red.)
    "Thelema"=28(Full Red.)
    February has 28 Days.
    "28 Days"=23(Full Red.)
    "Ritual"=23(Full Red.)
    Julius Caesar was stabbed 23 times on 3/15, known as the "Ides Of March". 2/5/2019 is a 38 days from 3/15/2019.
    "Stabbing"=38(Single Red.)
    "Death"=38(English Ordinal)
    "Murder"=38(Reverse Full Red.)


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