Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

42 45 98 118 133 217 307 | Matt Brazier, English football player, dead at 42, February 4, 2019

This football player died at age 42, on 4/2, in February.  February = 42; Freemason = 42

He died one day after the Super Bowl, where Tom Brady got his 237th career win.

2x3x7 = 42 

He died 217-days after his birthday.... New England Patriots = 217

Recall, it was Super Bowl 53.

Vesica Piscis = 53; Fish's Bladder = 53 / 217

The football is the shape of the vesica piscis, which is the shape of a fish's bladder. 

He also died on his 218th day of his age.

His name shows that none of this is coincidence.

233, the 13th Fibonacci Number (13-points in Super Bowl winning score)
New England Patriots = 98 / 118
Tom Brady = 98 / 118
Mercedes Benz Stadium = 307; Tom Brady's 307th career game
307 is the 63rd prime; Tom Brady became 6-3 in Super Bowls 

Football = 133; Patriots won SB 13-3
Six = 52; Los Angeles Rams = 52
Masonic = 74; London = 74; English = 74; Gematria = 74; Killing = 74

Last, he died 2/4/2019.  2/4/2019 = 2+4+20+19 = 45

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