Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, March 8, 2019

30 33 44 60 102 | Boulder Police pull gun on man picking up trash on his own property, March 7, 2019 news

This story came on the 4-year anniversary of my arrest in my front yard...

March 7 is the 66th day of the year.

Notice this news story broke March 7, the 66th day of the year.

66, the 11th triangular number; Black = 2+3+1+3+2 = 11

Notice how 'trash' and 'picking up trash' fits in.

The date March 7 can be written 7/3, like 73.  73, the 21st prime; Trash = 21

March 1 is the 60th day of the year.

For more information on the historical relationship of the police and the mistreatment of black folks, listen to the KRS-One song 'Sound of Da Police'.

Boulder Police = 137 (33rd prime); Race War = 33

KRS has those lyrics about overseer and officer:


  1. What was the date of the fabricated news story on you, few years ago, with the autistic kid and teacher in the middle of the street?

    1. July 21st 2016...his 33rd birthday. I actually did a post on it:

  2. Colorado is 38th state
    You posted this 3/8
    Colorado = 38 (FR)
    Nigga = 38 (O)
    Broncos won on 38th day of year in 2016
    You get it


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