Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, April 13, 2019

102 152 | Why Donald Trump connected Ilhan Omar to September 11, 2001, April 12, 2019

This was done on April 12, 2019, the 102nd day of the year.

 This came 152-days before the 18-year anniversary of September 11, 2001 as well.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. They are hinting at second 9/11.
    Trump posted that 30 weeks, 3 days after 9/11's 17th anniversary/
    Assad's birthday/Islamic New Year 2018
    Ilhan Omar is born on 10/4, the presidential alert was one day before her 37th birthday or 444th month of life.
    Order Out Of Chaos = 444 Even Reverse or lower cased Reverse Franc Baconis
    303 days after Trump's previous birthday. He won on 11/9.
    116 weeks after he took office.
    The 116th United States Congress started on 1/3 2019 - much like the presidential alert 10/3
    and Trump's 116th week of presidency is approaching
    The same day a man lit himself on fire outside the white house.
    See what they are trying to say?
    Second 911 Destruction of White House lol
    A lot of movies portray that.
    3 months, 30 days before Tisha B'av 8/11 your date
    I personally think it could be multiple dates starting maybe from 8/8
    or 8/10 just like Paris Attacks.
    8/10 can be written as 10/8
    White House Attack = 108
    Terrorist Attack = 108
    Terrorism = 108

  3. Zach, this has slime and cover up written all over it
    "Imane Fadil," = 74 (English Ordinal)
    Imane Fadil," = 47 (Full Reduction
    Imane" = 93 (Reverse Ordinal)
    Imane" = 42 (English Ordinal)
    I saw the devil" = 137 (English Ordinal) 33rd prime
    "I saw the devil" = 187 (Reverse Ordinal)
    radioactive poisoning”" = 1015 (Reverse Satanic, 115

  4. 38 47 53 55 74 87 93 110 119 163

    It's nuts the way the numbers align

    We will never forget = 93 (FR) / 87 (RFR)
    Flight 93, Saturn, etc
    Muslim = 87 (O)

    At the end of the video it says "we remember"
    We Remember = 53 (FR) / 163 (RO) / 55 (RFR)
    Los Angeles = 53 (RFR) / 55 (SR)
    Make America Great Again = 163 (O)
    Congress = 55 (SR)
    Ilhan Omar = 53 (RFR)
    Tweeted April 12, 2019
    4+12+20+19 = 55

    Mind you the speech took place in a CAIR Conference in Los Angeles.
    CAIR Conference = 74 (FR) / 119 (O)
    Nuff said there

    And how she's from Minnesota
    Minnesota = 110 (O) / 38 (FR) / 47 (SR)
    163 is the 38th prime
    March = 38 (RSR) (she made these comments last month)
    Death, killing, murder, RIP
    110.... Osama bin Laden, jet fuel, American Airlines, President, truther, 110-story Twin Towers
    And 47, good lord... Omar, Trump, Somalia, Authority, White House, Republican, Democrat, President, Government

    1. Pete Buttigieg said he has made 119 overseas trips in his official running for president speech today. Of course 'PETE' is how he is running. All of the candidates may hit 46's but alas, PETE is 46 EO.

  5. Fuck you = 102 (O)
    Nigger = 102 (RO)

  6. "Al Qaeda"=========102 J
    "MEGA Kill"=========102

    "Secret Agenda"========102 O
    "One Hundred Two Minutes"=102 RO

    "Count Time"===========120 O


    1. one zero two = 156
      six six six = 156
      156th six prime?

    2. "Hundred Fifty Sixth Prime Number"===156 R
      "Mind Control Programming Signal"====156 RR

      "Terror Signal"================156 O

  7. Trump is a "Manchurian Candidate" amongst other things as well as Booker and (II)han Omar. Everything is done strategically "By The Numbers".
    "By The Numbers"=152(English Ordinal)

    "Manchurian"=102(English Ordinal)

    According to
    A Manchurian candidate is a person, especially a politician, being used as a puppet by an enemy power. The term is commonly used to indicate disloyalty or corruption, whether intentional or unintentional.

  8. Howard the Duck,141 and 60
    underground,141 and 60

  9. Watch out for the new #46, 'PETE' = 46 EO. ..and 'Sanders' = 46 RFR looking to become the 46th president.

  10. Magic Johnson was also known as Buck by his,teammates. Buck stepped down for the Bucks in the playoffs. I think they at least go to finals , if not win it

    1. Magic also got out of Jordans way.. maybe he got out of Lebron way for next year


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