Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, April 18, 2019

38 41 163 | Paris prosecutors investigating if 'short circuit' caused Notre Dame fire of April 15, 2019

The building burned on a 38 date.   4/15/19 = 4+15+19 = 38

Today has 41 date numerology.  4/18/19 = 4+18+19 = 41 (Notre Dame = 41)


  1. "Notre Dame Fire"=================415 J <<< On What Day?
    "The Fires Caused by Short Circuit"====333, 415 K
    "Create Notre Dame Cathedral Disasters"=333
    "Forty Seventh Problem of Euclid"======333
    "Pro Sports Championship Win"========333

    "A Short Circuit Date [Monday April Fifteenth]"===415 O

    "A Hoax Fire Cause"======64
    "Short Circuit"==========64
    "New Orleans Saints"======64
    "Saints Start a Fire"========64

    "A Winning Team Name"====163
    "NFL Championship"=======163
    "Short Circuit"===========163, 64
    "Saints Inferno"===========163, 64 <<<<<<<
    "Punked by the NFL"======== 163, 64
    "AFC West - AFC North"=======163, 64

    "Short Circuit"===========177 K
    "A NFL Saints Symbol"=======177 K
    "Win by NFC South"=========177 K
    "Championship Codes"=======177 O
    "Saints Tribute"============177 O
    "Browns Symbol"============177 O
    "Cleveland is Punked"=========177 O
    "Broncos Defeat"============177 K
    "Defeat of Seahawks"==========177 K
    "Seahawks are Chumps"=========177 K

    "One Hundred Sixty Three Symbol"===131

    "Fifty Fourth"==================64, 154 <<< Superbowl 54 ?
    "Defeat Code Symbol"=============64, 154
    "Short Circuit"==================64
    "AFC North Loser"================64, 154
    "Denver Broncos"===================154
    "NFL Code Name of Defeat"=============154
    "NFL Losing Codes"================64, 154, 514 << What Fire Day?
    "Seahawks are Losers"============== 64
    "Chump Name [Seahawks]"============64

    "New Orleans Louisiana Championship"=========2019 << What Year?

    "Fire For Tribute"============732 J
    "Short Circuit"==============732 J
    "Team Fire Tribute"===========732 J

    "Saints are NFC Champion"=======666

    "West vs South"===38 [163 is 38th Prime]

    I have Saints, Seahawks, Browns, Broncos <<<< First NFL Decode of the Year


    1. Notre Dame cathedral fire ritual, Super Bowl = 174. 222.

    2. Paris France fire ritual = 112 = Super Bowl

  2. I think you have to much time on your hands to try to discredit someone's blog each and every day. If you don't believe these things are being orchestrated then my thoughts are "get lost"

    1. Who are you talking to?.....If you think I'm here to Discredit Zach you simply don't know anything. I have been here the longest, brought the most people to his You Tube Channel, and have significantly Financially supported him. If it is me you are talking to, then you are the one who needs to get the Fuck out here. Where the Fuck is your Work Dispshit?


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