Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

95 165 | The Notre Dame fire and the Society of Jesus' formation date, September 27

Read about the Jesuits and the Scottish Rite:
After reading the link above, read about the fire coming 115-days after Macron's birthday:
Read about the Jesuit Pope, Francis, and the fire:

From the burning of Notre Dame to the Jesuit Order's formation date, is 165-days.

This is important because September 27 leaves 95-days left in the year.


  1. "Tribute"====95, 496 <<< 3rd Perfect Number

    "Easter Tribute"=========777
    "Order out of Chaos"======777

    "The Notre Dame Cathedral Tribute Fire"====333
    "A Society of Jesus Formation Date"=======333
    "Date September Twenty Seventh"========333
    "Forty Seventh Problem of Euclid"=========333
    "The Book Named [Nineteen Eighty Four]"====333
    "Code of Three Three's and Three Four's"====333

    "Zachary K Hubbard has a Tiny Penis"======3333 E
    "New World Order Government Agenda"=====3333 J, 444 RO
    "Project for a New American Century"=========== 444 RO

    "Four Three's Agenda Signal Code"==========911 J
    "Three Four's Agenda Signal Code"==========911 J
    "Notre Dame Tribute Fire"================911 J <<<<<<<<<<<

    "Freemasonic Symbol"================== 911
    "Mind Control Operations"================911

    "World Jewish Congress"==================911 S
    "Two Thousand Nineteen"================= 911


  2. The burning of the Notre Dame cathedral happened on 4/15/2019 = 22

    That same day Al Aqsa Mosque also had a fire. Hmmmm. The cause was thought to be "Local Children".

    Holy Monday is the day on which Jesus cleansed the temple, was praised by local children, and cursed the fig tree (Matthew 21:12–22).

    22 seems to be a significant number here

    Sydney Mon"fries" fell from the "Bell Tower" to her death that day at 3 am at Age 22 per report from the New York Times.

    Bell Tower reminds me of hunchback of notre dame and the 22 reminds me of the two towers of the cathedral. I believe this might all tie into 9/11. A mess up in YouTubes algorithms associated the fire of the Cathedral to the attacks of September 11th.

    I am new to here but I really appreciate your work Zach. Keep it up despite the naysayers. Which sometimes I am the one questioning your work but its all in the name of truth. That's all I am here to find.


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