Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, May 30, 2019

131 149 | Nick Foles returns to OTAs after wife's miscarraige, May 30, 2019 news

Super Bowl = 131; Championship 131

Notice this news comes Nick Foles' 131st day of his age, 30.

The story of the miscarriage broke yesterday, May 29, the 149th day of the year.


  1. 5 + 3 + 20 + 19 = 47 <<< 15th Prime

    "Forty Seven" = 50, 149
    "Nick Foles" = 50, 149
    "The Finals" = 50, 149
    "Raptors Lose" = 50
    "Bet Warriors" = 149

    "Four Game Finals Defeat" = 666
    "Mocking of Raptors" = 666
    "The NBA Finals" = 666
    "Symbolic Code" = 666
    "Prophecy" = 666

    "Foles Wife Had a Miscarriage" = 217
    "Fake Performances Coming" = 217
    "Win Seventh NBA Finals" = 217
    "First Appearance Loss" = 217
    "Four Game Series" = 217
    "Agent in Place" = 217 <<<<<<<<<<<< Illuminati Card

    "Masonic Agenda Symbols" = 217, 911 S <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    "Symbol of Freemasonry" = 911 S
    "World Jewish Congress" = 911 S
    "Coded Protocol System" = 911 S
    "Use Illuminati Cards" = 911
    "The Miraculous Catch" = 911
    "Freemasonic Symbol" = 911
    "Tisha Bav" = 911
    "Ossuary" = 911

    "Nick Foles" = 40, 50
    "Seven Wins" = 40, 50
    "Undefeated" = 40, 50
    "Mathematics" = 40
    "Sweep Code" = 40
    "Game Four" = 40
    "Scripted" = 40
    "Victory" = 40
    "Key" = 40
    "Win" = 40

  2. On that same day, the 149th day of the year, a man set himself on fire outside the White House. That man was 33 year old Arnav Gupta.

    His name sums to 149 in RO.
    His name also sums to 119 in jew ord, and 1190 in jew.

    You can't make this shit up!

  3. @Zack

    Drake has on a #30 Jersey “ Accession “ catch up !


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