Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, June 3, 2019

26 43 62 67 88 | Trump to visit Queen Elizabeth, again, June 3, 2019

On June 2, or 2/6, or 6/2, the news was focused on the upcoming meeting with Trump and the 'Queen'.  Of course, 26 and 62 have always been the numbers with Queen Elizabeth.

The meeting June 3 is 43-days after the Queen's birthday, and 66-years and 1-day after her Coronation.

Today has 48 date numerology as well.

6/3/2019 = 6+3+20+19 = 48

Today is also 150-weeks after Donald Trump came out to Queen on July 18, 2016, the first day of the GOP Convention.

Read about the Trump & Queen Elizabeth ritual of July 18, 2016:

67-years on throne?  67, the 19th prime

What else do we know about 67?

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