Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, June 10, 2019

55 322 | David Ortiz lands in Boston, Massachusetts after shooting hoax in DR, June 10, 2019 news

So, the guy born on the 322nd day of the year, will be in Boston to celebrated the Bruins 322nd playoff win?  Comical.

Today is June 10, 2019.

6/10/2019 = 6+10+20+19 = 55


  1. The video of this shooting is a joke.. Of course it's far away, and you can't actually confirm that it's David Ortiz, or that he was actually even shot.. That's enough for the sheep to confirm that it's real though

    1. How was that a hoax are you for real right now?? There’s clear video of papi getting shot in the back and falling, what more do you want?

  2. The only thing that goes against Boston is the blues can pick up 57th all time win against bruins on day with 57 numerology. Leaving Boston with 77 wins. Boston= 77 however big papi= 57

  3. Shooting hoax? 😂😂 it was on tape you dope wow you’re constantly wrong more than ever which I did even think was possible 🤣. How about those Mariners winning the World Series this year? Looking great kid 😂😂 biggest scam artist alive!


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