Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

19 35 44 54 56 61 85 208 | New Orleans flooding July 10, 2019, a span of 208-days to Super Bowl 54 +Hurricane Barry coming

Remind me when the last time I talked about flooding and sports was.

Keep in mind it is 2019.

And it is Super Bowl 54 upcoming.

Today is also 61-days before the Saints opening game of the season, Monday, September 9, 2019.

Notice the 8-weeks and 5-days as well.

National Football League = 85; The Flood = 85; Storm = 85

And don't forget about Super Bowl 44 after Katrina...

8/29/2005 = 8+29+(2+0+0+5) = 44

The other part of today's story is the potential flooding caused by what might be Hurricane Barry.

Today has 56 date numerology.  7/10/2019 = 7+10+20+19 = 56

Barry sums to 35, like flooding...


  1. Saints are winning it as I stated before.

    1. I can absolutely guarantee they wont. Floods in NO all the time. They'd have been in multiple by now. It's a silly correlation, unless it's mega huge and messes up the Dome Luke the last one.. remember, rebuilt stadiums and hosting SBS lead to apoearances. NO is not a nfl favorite

    2. "Fifty Fourth" = 64, 154

      "New Orleans Saints" = 64
      "Denver Defeated" = 64
      "Denver Donkey's" = 64
      "Drew Brees Win" = 64
      "Denver Tribute" = 64
      "Second Victory" = 64

      "Win Second Ring" = 154
      "Denver Broncos" = 154
      "Denver Symbol" = 154
      "Ritual Sacrifice" = 154

    3. David Price's french bulldog named Astro passed away.

  2. Super Bowl 54 will be played in Florida also known as the "Sunshine State" last time the Saints won the Superbowl was in Florida at the "Sun Life Stadium"

    Sun = 54
    Sun Life Stadium = 251 which is the 54th Prime
    Fifty Four = 54 / 45 / 126 / 178 / 756
    New Orleans= 54 / 45 / 126 / 178 / 756 / 144
    Drew Brees = 54 / 45 / 126 / 144
    Miami, FL = 45 / 126
    Super Bowl 2020 = 54 / 45 / 116
    Miami = 45 / 116
    FOX = 45 / 9
    LIV = 116 / 20

    FOX will be the network broadcasting Super Bowl "LIV" (54) which sums to the number 9, Drew Brees jersey number. Also, as a kicker the saints BYE week falls on the week of NOV 7 leaving 54 Days Left in the Year. They will have 13 days of rest or 1 week and 6 days like 16 like LIV = 16 in two ciphers full and single reduction, “Super Bowl” = 41 Drew Brees turns 41 the "13th" prime on Jan 15, 2020.. 19 days before the Super Bowl, "Saints" = 19 "Feb 2, 2020" = 19 in four different ciphers as well as 20 in Reverse Full and Reverse Single Same as LIV = 20 in the same ciphers like Super Bowl "2020" and “Brees” = 22 like 2/2 the date of the Super Bowl in the year 2020, remove the 0’s = 22.

    Also tonight 7/10 is the ESPYS Awards show hosted by “Tracy Morgan” = 54 like super bowl 54 in two ciphers also “Tracy” = 22 in two ciphers like 2/2 the date of the superbowl.. Drew Brees also has “2” nominations for awards. Couldn’t have found a more perfect host. Look for Brees to receive an award or 2 tonight and add to the riddle.


    1. Ride this wave with me bro. Return the of the rally monkey =112/113

  3. So you are thinking this is man-made weather manipulation? New Orleans IS actually flooded right now, and my old place will receive about 28 inches, and where I live now it just started raining, and we are expected to get 12 inches of rain. Just saying. Man-made or not. These weather events do affect lives. But let's talk about what no one is talking about. . . the Mississippi River that has been flooded for five months now, longest ever recorded flooding, and thousands of people have been flooded out and farms (price increases coming) and animals dying left and right because what high ground they could get to left them vulnerable to alligators and then of course competition with all other safety seekers. I have seen the pictures over the weekend, and raccoons are so desperate they are eating dead deer. Let's talk about things no one is talking about.

  4. People, people, it has other things aside from the Saints.. no, the Saints won't be in any SB for years. Not for season 100, thats for sure

    1. Conf. Cleve, vs Pats..nfc= SF vs Bears. SB is SF vs Pats..Kaepernick keeps showing up for July 4th news.. he wore a Miami cap on the 4th,, he doesn't like the flag sneakers etc

    2. 49ers suck dummy...
      NFC teams are Eagles/vikings/saints
      afc teams Pats/steelers/chargers

    3. Last year has nothing to do with now. Kaep wore a Miami cap on the fourth. Bosa's dad was on the dolphins. There's plenty of 89 references. SF won that year.
      Garoppolo, porn star.. Kraft, hand job.

    4. '89 Super Bowl

      Cincinnati loss the Super Bowl....

    5. Can simply be an Ohio thing, correlation.

    6. Nah! The Brown aren't winning it! They may make the playoffs though!

    7. I don't say SB. Just conf championship

  5. Wrong. The color code is black and gold like the Bruins and Vandy! The Saints sacrificed last year to win it this year with Brees turning 41!

    1. Gold might be important, but the black is not. Again, they won the SB after the stadium was rebuilt. They have floods all the time. They've been to one SB. The Saints aren't getting any where near the conf championship this year.

    2. There is no color code, there's never been a color code.. in that way. St Louis Blues won, VANDY won, Raptors won.

    3. You are HIGH if you think the Pats are going lol

    4. Well, they might lose to someone in conf final but it's not a stretch at all. They are emulating the Browns from the 1940s to the 60s. Every time there's a scandal ,they go. Kraft, balls, tapes, PEDS,

    5. New England will make the conference finals

    6. Right now I don't have NO in the playoffs at all

    7. All I know is Chiefs ain't winning

    8. Of course not. Black QB is already a hood indicator. always get least for season 100 it won't happen

    9. Well when Seahawks won with Russell Wilson, I predicted them to win before the season started.

      It's a little hazy for me as far as the winner goes for next year, but I know for sure it ain't Chiefs.

      Your reason for niners does make some sense, I admit... But I still don't see it.

  6. 14/41 77 will continue with Trump as POTUS

  7. You won't be saying that when the Braves win their second.

    1. Braves win what second? I'm not arguing with you lol, at least there's some activity :)

    2. The Atlanta Braves have won 3 World Series

    3. The Atlanta Braves have won 1 World Series... ATLANTA IS THE KEY

    4. Milwaukee and Boston don't count.

    5. Actually it does count! It's like the L.A. Rams won 1 SB, despite the team being in St. Louis before moving back to L.A. Or the Colts winning 2 SBs, despite the Colts being in Baltimore before moving to Indianapolis. The Braves won 3, despite winning in Boston, Milwaukee, and Atlanta.

    6. Crosby are you from Atlanta because a few years ago you were strong that the Falcons and Georgia Bulldogs would win the titles

  8. Can't get quote updates any more, need a forum

  9. Braves second WS bro... All my coding is scattered over the last 2 weeks. On this blog

  10. Braves are 54-37
    Descramble it 57 4 to 3

    Pay attention here because they are slick. This is a 112 coded article...

    During the seven-pitch at-bat against Acuna, the crowd of 36,747 chanted, "Let's go, Bieber!" and he responded with a strikeout that prompted Indians manager Terry Francona to clap his hands excitedly. The victory extended the AL's All-Star Game winning streak to seven games.

    (At Bat) = 1 at Bat
    (A strikeout) = 1 Strikeout
    (Terry Francona to clap his hands) 2 hands!
    Winning Streak to 7 games
    Translation: The 112 team Atlanta Braves will win in 7 games. Could it mean the Stros win in 7... YES! BUT most of the coding ties to Vandy so I am leaning Braves beat Stros!

  11. Also 7 pitch at Bat for a Braves player. 7 game winning streak. There is your 77 winner code 14/41 stamp on every Championship Team this year!

  12. The hurricane also look like it will hit the Dallas area in Texas

  13. Suntrust Stadium = 77 74 56 103

  14. I hope you are right trcosby! I'm a big Atlanta fan!

  15. I think it will be Atlanta Falcons beat Cleveland Browns in the Super Bowl this year

    1. I can safely say that if it were those two teams. The Browns would win. It's like Pitt vs Seattle. Notice how high black populated city-state in the south, usually get the shafts in most leagues

    2. That might be true but being from Atlanta I will continue to say every year we are gonna win the SB until it happens #RiseUp

  16. Atlanta Falcons will play in SB 54. I'm calling it out now before the season start. Game is in Miami on 2/2/2020. That is 44 just like Georgia. Last time they were in the championship on 2/5 they blew a 25 point lead to the Patriots who turned around the next season and lost SB 52. I can see the NFC championship being NO vs ATL. That would be big for ratings. Also the last time NO was in SB was 44. This could also be coded for them as well but I'm leaning more towards ATL.

    1. That NFL 100 commercial has 44 players in it, it's some teams that aren't represented in the commercial....maybe them are the playoff teams....but I don't see New Orleans doing too much, actually think Brees get hurt

    2. Forgive me but I don't think the league is wasting SB 100 on teams thst started in the 60s,except for Patriots. It will a storied team closer to 100 years old.. at least from the 40s

    3. Makes sense, Bears one of the original teams. Akron pros won the first championship but they don't exist anymore. I think bears won the 2nd. Of course they were called something else back then though.

      If anything Packers won the 1st super bowl... Against the chiefs... Imagine if that's the matchup lol...I find it suspicious Vegas has Packers better odds than Bears to win super bowl.

    4. Packers just have Rodgers now. The new coach is just a fill in.they are taking a back seat


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