Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, August 25, 2019

139 | Dow futures down Sunday night, August 25, 2019

Freemasonry = 139; America = 139


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "Rude Shock" = 41, 104
    "False News" = 41, 104
    "Made for T.V." = 41, 104 <<< 10-4 Good Buddy!

    "Fabricated Information" = 104 <<< 13th Prime
    "Three Hundred Eleventh" = 104 <<< Which Day is That?

    "Rude Shock" = 139
    "Seventy Four" = 139 <<< Days?
    "In Two Months" = 139
    "Eleven Eight Code" = 139 <<< What Day does Paradise Burn?
    "GO [Market Crash]" = 139

    "Three Hundred Eleventh" = 319

    "Beginning on Forty Fourth Week Fourth Day" = 444
    "Four Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy Three" = 444
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^666th Prime^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    "Orders to Proceed" = 666
    "Symbolic Code" = 666
    "Prophecy" = 666

    "Coming Agenda to Citizens of the United States" = 444
    "Do What thou Wilt Shall be the Whole of the Law" = 444
    "September Eleventh Two Thousand One Attack" = 444
    "Hello from the New World Order Government" = 444

    "Sum of the Days following Tisha Bav Holidays" = 444 <<<

    "CIA Black Operation" = 444
    "Signal a Deception" = 444
    "Hitler's Brain" = 444
    "Kill Circle" = 444
    "Hollywood" = 444

    "Three Four's Agenda Signal Code" = 911
    "Make America Great Again Operations" = 911
    "Mind Control Operations" = 911
    "World Jewish Congress" = 911
    "Freemasonic Symbol" = 911
    "Tisha Bav" = 911

    "Operation [Kill Goy]" = 911
    "The Idiot American Goy" = 911
    "A Surfing Safari U.S.A." = 911

    "Triple Eights Sequence" = 911 <<< Triple 8's ?

    "A Big Fuck You" = 888
    "Top Secret Operation" = 888
    "Back to the Future II" = 888 <<< When this Baby hits 88 MPH
    "Donald J Trump" = 888
    "Satanic Ritual" = 888
    "Masonic Jesus" = 888

    "Anti-Brexit" = 888 Rev Sum
    "Deep State" = 888
    "Fraternal" = 888


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