Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

22 25 52 74 130 239 | Tropical Storm Dorian nearing hurricane strength, August 27, 2019 news

Here we are, August 27, 2019, the 2-year anniversary of the flooding of Texas, the 239th day of the year, and we have our first CNN front page news story about a storm with the potential to become a hurricane and flood.

The biblical story of the flooding of the earth is in the Torah, or 'The Book of the Law'.

Look for headlines like this, they're plentiful:

And who can forget the recent and devastating Hurricane Maria?

The storm formed August 23, a date with 25 numerology.

8/23/2019 = 8+2+3+2+0+1+9 = 25

Puerto Rico is in harms way, and August 23 leaves 130-days left in the year.

ALSO, this news comes on a date with 74 numerology.

8/27/2019 = 8+27+20+19 = 74

Recall, Hurricane sums to 74 in Hebrew and the qualifying wind speed for a hurricane is 74 MPH.

They're projecting the storm will hit Florida, which is fitting.  Notice how Dorian connects.

Sunday, September 1, 2019 is the date.

September 1, 2019 has 22 date numerology.

9/1/2019 = 9+1+2+0+1+9 = 22

The date can be written 1/9, like 19.

 Notice September 1 leaves 121-days left in the year.

9/1/2019 = 9+1+20+19 = 49

Revelation is 22 chapters long...


  1. For a bit more on what might get hit the worst with the hurricane....

  2. This storm comes 23 months after Maria

  3. List of names summing to 38
    Dorian = 38
    Florida = 38
    Central FLA = 38
    Orlando = 38

    1. Dorian is currently crossing the ‘Virgin’ Islands.
      Virgin = 38
      The strongest part of the storm is now in ‘Road Town.’
      Road Town = 38


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