Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, August 29, 2019

29 37 48 | James Mattis & James Comey in the headlines, August 27, 2019 +DOJ report on memos

On Thursday, August 29, 2019, we get stories of James Mattis and James Comey, past chapters of the Trump administration.

James = 48
Donald Trump = 48

*And of course, the news of the hurricane is causing the store shelves to empty.

Don't forget James Mad Dog Mattis' other nickname, 'Chaos'.  Mattis = 19; Chaos = 19

James Comey = 37

Today is a span of 37-weeks from Comey's last birthday, December 14, 2018.

And today is the 29th of August, going with 'DOJ' and 'Memos'.


  1. 38 Hurricane Dorian
    Dorian = 38
    Florida = 38

    Dorian is projected to hit central Florida.
    Central FLA = 38
    Orlando = 38
    Murder = 38
    Death = 25, 38
    Palm Bay = 25, 38
    Dorian could grow to a 'Cat 4' = 25
    Hurricane = 97, the 25th Prime Number
    FEMA = 25

    Dorian has already crossed the ‘Virgin’ Islands.
    Virgin = 38
    The strongest part of the storm hit ‘Road Town.’
    Road Town = 38
    Saint John = 38

  2. Zach, in regards to Rambo's decode last night involving 52 and November 7th and the Statue of Liberty, the movie Gremlins 2 The New Batch syncs up as well as Tisha B'Av.
    Gremlins=52 and in the movie you see a montage of gremlins destroying Clamp Tower(Gremlins 2 is all about Trump), and they show gremlins dressed up as military and on a crate you see the Statue of Liberty crossed out like a no smoking sign.
    Gremlins 2 The New Batch=118.
    From August 11th to November 7th is 88 days.
    From Trumps birthday on June 6th to November 7th is 146 days like how Trump birthday is on 14/6.

  3. Guess king Harry was right again about Labor Day

    Harrybutts106August 27, 2019 at 6:50 PM
    Andrew luck age 29 retired
    Trump tweets Puerto Rico received 9.2 billion
    “ when will it ever stop”
    Ravens linebacker Paul Worrilo age 29 retires suddenly.

    Maybe pointing to September 2nd Labor Day FF??


  4. Sports illustrated nfl preview issue. Number 80 is on one knee. Now, I do not know what 80 and 13, may represent though..? The entire cover is brown

  5. "I Had No Choice but to Leave" = 100, 217, 987 <<< 16th Fibo

    "Add the Digit Sequence Reflection" = 987

    987 + 789 = 1776 <<< What Year?

    "Executive Order" = 1776
    "Hollywood California" = 1776 RSu
    "Forecast Future Event" = 1776
    "N.W.O. Police State Control" = 1776

    "Decode Emergency Warning" = 377, 987 <<< 14th & 16th Fibo's

    "Signal Coordinates in America" = 987
    "Tsunami Warning Message" = 987
    "Message in Quotations" = 987
    "Aware" = 987

    "Signal Coordinates in America" = 987, 777, 444 <<<<<<<
    "Hidden Military Agenda" = 777
    "Order out of Chaos" = 777
    "American Culture" = 777 <<<< [7 is 4th Prime?]

    "I had no Choice but to Leave" = 1373 <<< 220th Prime [NFL?]
    "Psychological Operations Signal" = 1373
    "Terror Attack Location" = 1373
    "Flux Capacitor" = 1373
    "All Systems Go" = 1373

    7 <<< 4th Prime?

    In Spinal Tap he says...'But these go to Eleven'

    7 + 4 = 11

    11 * 11 = 121 <<< Revelation

    (3) 11's?

    "Three Eleven" = 119
    "Star of David" = 119
    "All Seeing Eye" = 119

    "Symbolic Three Eleven" = 217
    "I had no Choice but to Leave" = 217 <<< Coinky-Dinky

    217 is like December 7th? <<< Pearl Harbor?

    1207 is like December 7th?

    "One Thousand Two Hundred Seven" = 333
    "Forty Seventh Problem of Euclid" = 333
    "Pro Sport Championship Win" = 333
    "Best Team" = 333
    "Exposed" = 333 <<< Illuminati Card Game Card

    127 + 172 + 217 + 271 + 712 + 721 = 2220 <<< Superbowl Day?


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