Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, September 23, 2019

37 44 74 | Ha Ha Clinton Dix's 37-yard pick six to open MNF, September 23, 2019

The 37-yard pick six (a trick we've documented before), came on September 23, 2019, in MNF, the Bears @ the Redskins.

September 23, 2019 had 44 date numerology.

9/23/2019 = 9+23+(2+0+1+9) = 44

And notice the 74 value of Ha Ha Clinton-Dix.


  1. "Pick Six" = 37
    "Chicago" = 37
    "Win Code" = 37

    "N.F.L. Symbol" = 37, 44
    "MNF [Two - One]" = 44, 37 <<< Bears Record?
    "QB Case Keenum" = 44
    "Mock Goyem" = 44, 37
    "NFC North" = 44, 37
    "Loss at Home" = 37
    "Pick Six" = 37, 44
    "Week Three" = 44

    In the Explanation they say, 3 Scores in 30 Minutes?

    "M.N.F. [Three TD's - Thirty Minutes]" = 333
    "M.N.F. Win Code [Chicago Bears Fall Equinox]" = 333
    "Forty Seventh Problem of Euclid" = 333
    "Pro Sports Championship Win" = 333
    "Best Team" = 333

    The Score was 31 - 15: <<< 16 Pt. Margin

    "Sixteen" = 33
    "Away Win" = 33
    "MNF Code" = 33
    "M.N.F." = 33
    "Magic" = 33
    "Name" = 33

    31 + 15 = 46

    "Bet Bears Win" = 46 <<< [4 - 6 Defense?]

    "Mock D.C. Symbols" = 46
    "N.F.C. East Defeat" = 46
    "Week Three" = 46
    "Thirty One" = 46
    "Chicago" = 46

    1. Date Numerology: 71

      "Mock Idiot N.F.L. Fan" = 71
      "A Ha Ha Clinton Dix" = 71

      "National Football League" = 85
      "Name [Ha Ha Clinton Dix]" = 85
      "American Fan Mocking" = 85
      "American Moron Code" = 85 <<< 5 + 8 = 13

      "Code Five Eight" = 911
      "Freemasonic Symbol" = 911
      "Use Illuminati Cards" = 911
      "N.F.L. Points Tribute" = 911
      "The Idiot American Goy" = 911
      "Mind Control Operations" = 911


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