Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

YouTube's 'No View' treatment is back, November 26, 2019


  1. Uh huh, right. Why would they remove you from the internet entirely, or even send someone out to assassinate you and prevent you from "exposing" the New World Order, when all they have to do is remove YouTube views? Yep, censorship, totally no other explanation, amiright?! lol.

  2. Maybe you should stop lying and stealing for 200k a year on your scam Patreon. Karma comes around Zachary. Enjoy it.

    1. Ladies and gentlemen, behold: the average intelligence of Hubbard's fans.

    2. Did you actually delete the double spaced generated periods on your phone keyboard to barely make it through that reply announcement?

    3. No wonder it took so long ha

  3. HAHAHA Hey Zach, this video right here from Bloomberg was having the EXACT SAME problem


  4. Hey Jew if you really posed a big threat to exposing them you would be killed they wouldn’t bother with this nonsense about fucking with your view count or deleting your channels and don’t tell me about your fake experience with the car through your house that was either complete bs or fraud on your part. Once you continued on with your “work” after the warning you would’ve just been killed

    1. Let's not forget that he's "predicted" Trump's assassination. I guess that's not quite enough to get him killed either.

    2. Lol Zach anonymous bragging about having money that he stole from rubes 😂

  5. Hey Zach. Nobody is screwing with your view count. No one gives a shit anymore about your content, hence, no views.
    If I were you, the question should be about the like and dislike count.

    1. why don't you just move on so they will stop paying you to troll blogs like these.

    2. You have to have the intelligence of a toddler to think everyone that is against this guy is a paid troll. Is that the only possible conclusion in your mind seriously?

    3. You CANNOT be serious, paid trolls, are you f*cking kidding me. The government would have every last trace of Hubbard CLEAN GONE if he was...nvm I've already explained this to you guys a billion times and yet you still don't get it.

      Dear God this community has turned into such a great comedy.

  6. Hey Ed!
    Here is a cut and paste of my first comment on this blog after I turned against Hubbard:

    He doesn't give picks. Doesn't keep any records. It's a total scam. You will need to read through his pages and pages of bullshit to try and work out for yourself which is the stronger "riddle". He may lean towards one of the teams (usually both), and you can be sure he will post on YouTube (free view) when the team he "leaned" on gets up and just dismiss the losses as an OK day. The wins, by the way, are almost always heavy favourites on the money line. The reason he has so many channels deleted is intentional sabotage on his own content. He will put out controversial content in order to receive a strike from YouTube which ultimately deletes his channel. This hides any evidence of any previous predictions on sport, politics, natural disasters, etc from any new potential subscribers / Patreons. I was once a big fan of this guy and paid the $11 tier of Patreon for 18 months but never cared for the sports. When I did decide to have a look and what was going on there to see what all the trolling was about, I saw it for myself. Guy is a total scam artist. He has a degree in marketing from Arizona State, and believe me, it shows. I only recently learned this about him which really helped me to connect the dots. Pay $5 if you really need to and check it out for yourself, but beware, he has the silver tongue.

    I have tried using this comment on his YouTube videos, but since I did, he has blocked my comments from all except myself from seeing them.
    Thanks for your summary of my life and situation by the way. It's almost like we're family or something.
    Ok big guy. Your turn. What have you got for me next?

  7. freemason trolls commenting cuz the desperate for a dollar bet..
    this site is about truth.. wish zach would stop with game predictions.
    you faggot fascist freemasons only care about money. not the truth


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