Wednesday, October 15, 2014

116 | Megaquake Could Hit West Coast?

10/17/89 = 10+17+89 = 116, Country = 3+15+21+14+20+18+25 = 116
It is always curious when news headlines are reading that a megaquake could hit the west coast.  This reminder comes on 10/14/14.
  • 10/14/14 = 10+14+14 = 38
From the reporting above, many details are curious, including the "42-killed" on Cypress Freeway.
  • Cypress = 3+7+7+9+5+1+1 = 33
  • Loma Prieta = 3+6+4+1 = 14
  • Prieta = 7+9+9+5+2+1 = 33
  • Loma Prieta = 14+33 = 47
In the proposed mega quake, Oregon, in the 33rd State, is front and center.  This is especially curious because Portland, Oregon was the location for TOPOFF 4, a drill simulating a major disaster in an urban environment, which very much would be the case if Portland, Oregon was hit by a 9.0 earthquake.  This drill took place 7-years earlier, in 2007.  As someone who grew up in Portland, OR, it should be noted that all children growing up in the region have been told a very powerful earthquake is going to hit the Pacific Northwest someday, so know how to react in such a circumstance.

  • Oregon = 15+18+5+7+15+14 = 74
  • OR = 15+18 = 33
  • Oregon is 33rd State
Oregon = 15+18+5+7+15+14 = 
You can read CNN's article on the potential coming 'megaquake' here.

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