Monday, May 4, 2015

39 47 | Faces in the Media, Michio Kaku

  • Michio = 4+9+3+8+9+6 = 39
  • Kaku = 2+1+2+3 = 8
  • Michio Kaku = 47
I don't know where this name starts looking suspect to you, but I find the birth year of '47 the clincher.  I love Wikipedia's picture from the 42nd day of the year, February 11, 2012.  Wikipedia sure loves that day.

Notice also that he spends his days in New York, the state heavily coded with '39' and '93' numerology.  His name Michio has a Gematria of 39.
  • New York = 5+5+5+7+6+9+2 = 39
  • NY = 14+25 = 39
  • 1/24/1947 = 1+2+4+1+9+4+7 = 28
  • Man = 13+1+14 = 28
  • 28 is an often coded life number for these Masonic Agents

1 comment:

  1. First time I seen him on a screen, hearing what he was saying made me think of MK immediately, then realizing at his initials was just one of those many "'re not even trying." moments.


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