Tuesday, June 2, 2015

21 88 | The 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia

The 21st FIFA World Cup, coming 88-years after the first, from 1930, in Uruguay- a nation founded by a movement called the 'Thirty-Three Orientals'.  Uruguay also won the first World Cup.
  • Uruguay = 3+9+3+7+3+1+7 = 33
  • Founded by 33 Orientals
  • Only county in South America with '33' Gematria
Back to the number '21', it was of much significance at the close of Super Bowl 49, won when the twenty first pass by Russell Wilson, was intercepted by Number 21, with 21 seconds left on the clock.  The down on the play was 2nd and 1 (or goal).  The play was extra curious because it was the first time all season the Seahawks passed on the goal line, and the first time all season Number 21 for the winning Patriots played on the goal line... and to decide the Super Bowl?

The 2018 FIFA World Cup will be in Luzhniki Stadium.
  • Luzhniki = 3+3+8+8+5+9+2+9 = 47
  • Stadium = 1+2+1+4+9+3+4 = 24/33
  • Luzhniki Stadium = 61/70
  • FIFA World Cup = 6+9+6+1+5+6+9+3+4+3+3+7 = 62
  • Mason = 13+1+19+15+14 = 62

1 comment:

  1. The US served FIFA with a '47' count indictment.

    More sports themed drama. This one will extend to Russia through 2018.

    No one involved will get in trouble. Just their last acting roles before retirement.


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