Tuesday, June 9, 2015

User Contribution | Talking Spirituality

All names, including Jesus & God, were inventions of the 33rd degree priesthood, along with, written language (Black Magic) and the spoken language English, among others. The "spirit" entities that "wake you up" have no need for names, therefore, one is typically shown visions, in dreams or awake, with no names. Attaching these good spirits to names, transfers the power you have received through these spirits back to the dark side, in a manner of speaking. The most profound visions/dreams you will ever have are after being physically drained from hard labor, aching and cold to the point of having a slightly lowered body temperature, then after complete exhaustion sets in, deep sleep occurs and the visions will come full force, sometimes one after another. That is what all native peoples used to do (some still do) when on a vision quest. The information of everything that has been or will be is carried on/in the water and your hair acts as a multitude of antennas to pick up this information. All previous man-made indoctrination, including religions, prevents one from comprehending much of what is revealed in the visions. Absolute truth only comes through interactions with living things and the spirits, both good and bad, carry on/in the water and water is the element that defines what is living, for once all the water has gone out of a living organism, it is completely dead, dust, ash, etc. Many people have had profound life changing visions while technically dead on a operating room table, where the cold temperatures (to reduce infection) contribute to the "lifting of the spirit" or minds eye connection to the water molecules in the room, whereby, the visionary rises from the body to a birds eye view of the self & surgical team and looking down on the body of the self as if it is a separate entity. The things I have scene are not easily understood and my shredding of the English language, Latin alphabet & number systems is scene as some sort of joke and ignored by most, but I write lead by the spirit hands that guide whereby the first thought off the top of the b'rain (water) is usually the correct thought. When one is born into a cult (culture) it can be extremely diffi-cult to see outside of the indoctrinations, where no-things halve Big Ben left 2 chance. BTW, it is through the "naming of things" including yourself, that the Priesthood maintains control over the slaves on the plantation. Have you ever had a spiritually uplifting conversation with a complete stranger in a store or on the street, never feeling the need to ask for or give "a name"? Ever had an extremely bad vibe from someone who came into your "circle" (your primary antenna space). Although there is no limit to how far the spirit mind can travel outside the physical body, the bad vibe in my experience only happens within close physical proximity. The TV, Inter-net, written words, etc. are all part of the "DEAD WORLD" of Corporation (Corpse-oration, Dead talking) and these things are called "mediums", and a medium is something that allows one to communicate with "THE DEAD". By contrast, the self left unmolested already has the ability to communicate with all the living energy of everything that has ever been or will be, but the Priesthood works 24/7 to make sure you never realize your true potential. I have known many Freemasons but once met a man who was related by marriage and was a 33rd degree Mason, well, until they told him the truth, at witch point he walked out and never went back to the Lodge! His granddaughter is my relation and never knew of his association with freemasonry until I told her. The most naturally spiritual human creature is the woman with straight blond hair, witches why naturally blond haired women seem dingy, not well connected to the Corporate WORLD. Blond haired men are also more connected to nature and the spirits. Recent history shows us that the blond haired have been exterminated by the millions! Look at WWI, WWII, it was the blond haired peoples who were made to fight on the front lines on both sides and it was the blond haired who suffered the greatest casualties. The blond haired women who survived WW2 were gang raped and/or murdered by the millions by the Mongolian Hordes, while ironically, it was the White Russian Army that did the front line fighting. THEY want people to believe that having short hair is good, so THEY show monks with no hair and promote short hair all over the media, even back in the 1920's, because THEY know that your hair, especially long straight hair is your connection to the spirits. Look at all the greatest music and art from our history and then realise that almost all of it came from "long haired hippies"! Womens intuition is more a result of long straight hair than any other factor, but THEY have made war on the woman (womb man) with chemicals (shampoos, conditioners, hairspray, make-up, etc.) to reduce her intuition, witch constitutes a threat to "The Plan". BTW, it is not often that I write a post in the traditional indoctrination manner. Take care!

My feedback: The way he explains spirituality, especially in the beginning, connects with me very much. I think he is correct. The way he describes proximity and encounters is another thing I can relate with as well. I think for those of us who open ourselves to these possibilities can very much relate.

As for long hair, I'll say this. I had long hair for several years, and I discovered Gematria probably nine months after cutting it short. That said, my arm and leg hair might make up for the difference. =) In other words, I don't know if it is true that it is our greatest connector to the spiritual elements. This might be as they call, "hearsay".

Also truth seekers, if you read the comments in my video posts, this user typically writes very long, thought out, *sounds* that you can put together and read


  1. In regards to the assertion of blond haired people, although I'm not blond I have found his to be true and Germany actually lost 11 million people, many in the "bombing of Dresden", which is really code for the massacre of all of Germany in 1945-1946 after the war. I have nothing against the average Jew but the Holocaust is a Fail and a cover for German massacre. Now the Zionists are trying to flood Europe and Scandinavia with middle eastern people. The Kazarian fake Jews want to be the only remaining whites. SEE a commentary called HELLSTORM. It will change your thinking and Maybe some people's life. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMCOKNCwHmQ

  2. I'd rather read it the other way...
    In my opinion, we all have a connection to the spiritual. It is up to the individual to acknowledge it.

    Thank you for sharing

  3. I responded to a long comment that made made multiple salient points. You said, "In my opinion, we all have a connection to the spiritual. It is up to the individual to acknowledge it." That is very true but there are outside demonic factors that spiritual people need to consider.
    Awareness and discernment skills is a huge key to understand the deception. Too much "group think" with propaganda is so powerful. My only point is that people have been fooled and propagandized via British/American lies and German people support for a guy like Hitler was actually supported by the western finance system to make Hitler look good temporarily. He then ruined Germany as a western banking puppet and they are still paying $$ repairs to Israel to this day. Spirituality is key and needed but awareness of what is really going on is SO important and many people don't have a connection to discernment of lies even people claiming to be spiritual. Being spiritual is only one part of the big picture, a everyone's definition is different. Awareness of who your real enemy is just as important. How many spiritual people got caught up and killed in Hellstorm? Have you watched the video of all the people being slaughtered in Hellstorm?


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