Tuesday, July 21, 2015

144 666 | Mark of the Beast, Where Pi Meets Gematria

Mark = 13+1+18+11 = 43
of = 15+6 = 21
the = 20+8+5 = 33
Beast = 2+5+1+19+20 = 47
Mark of the Beast = 144
When you sum the first 144 decimal digits after the decimal point, you total 666 (Mark of the Beast)


  1. Last five digits:

    2 5 3 5 9

    2 3 9

    sorry, lately I see those numbers everywhere. :)

  2. I feel that this is extremely significant but i can't fully comprehend it...numerology

    1. This is huge, this is definitely where the significance of 666 comes from.

    2. I think its more likely where the significance of 144 comes from, if that makes sense...but i don't know enough about the subject to say for sure, and i dont know enough about the numbers either, i just have vague ideas of their connotations really...plus half of what i know is probably bunk/disinfo anyway...if only there was a way to get instructed on all this from the ground up, without having to join a cult of mass murderers...

    3. Yes, I agree much. You're right on.

  3. This is crazy big. Sum the first 66 values and you get the skull and bones 322. Also, add up the first 156 values and you get 711. Thanks for posting this!

    1. Super welcome, and thank you for your calculations as well.


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