Friday, July 10, 2015

33 113 | Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks (TYT)

His name has Gematria often found in media personalities.
  • Cenk = 3+5+14+11 = 33
  • Kadir = 11+1+4+9+18 = 43
  • Uygur = 21+25+7+21+18 = 92 (11)
His birthday is also interesting.
  • 3/21/1970 = 3+21+19+70 = 113
    • Mainstream = 113
    • Green Screen = 113
    • Dishonest = 113
  • 3/21/1970 = 3+2+1+1+9+7+0 = 23
  • 3/21/70 = 3+21+70 = 94
When I watch TYT, I notice the same type of coding I find with the other major networks.  This comes as no surprise as TYT is yet another show that talks about all the hoaxes as if they're completely legitimate.

Notice the coded headlines.
  • Red = 9+5+4 = 18
  • Flagged = 6+3+1+7+7+5+4 = 33
  • Red Flagged = 51

1 comment:

  1. Cenk embodies everything wrong with the American male liberal.


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