Wednesday, July 22, 2015

A Reader Response | In Case You Have These Questions Too

Almost without exception, every movie I have seen while being aware of Gematria, has had a music composer with a '33' name, often times because of 'Robert' and 'Michael'.  Please use the skills I teach on this site and learn to decode yourself.  Once you know the alphabetic order, these are calculations that take seconds.  Most people in this world are bad at math for one reason, because they have never truly tried to become good.  You want to be good at math in this world.

Very interesting indeed, please see my written post on Dolly the Sheep, and my video if you have not already.
I know it ties to Hebrew for sure, and I imagine many others.  In the beginning of the movie Pi, there is a perfect example where a Rabbi is expelling how in Hebrew the word for mom sums to 41, well that is also true in English.  Mom = 13+15+13 = 41.  There is no doubt there are many more connections.

 Something I have been asking from my fellow subscribers is to apply these skills to their own language to find out what connections can be made and how many parallels can be drawn.

Yes, myself might be one of the best examples of what could very possibly be going on at this moment in history, unless all that follows is "coincidence".  My neighbor robbed my home on November 15, 2014, a date with a "life lesson number" of 33.  After robbing my home, and being confronted by me, he filed a restraining order, which a Pro Tem (Pro Tem = 33) Judge upheld.  The day after receiving the restraining order ruling in his favor, my neighbor purchased the exact same vehicle as me, make, model and color.  Ask yourself, who does that?  Robs their neighbor, then buys the same vehicle as them?

On March 3, or 3/3, my neighbor, after months of being dormant from harassing me, yelled at me for no reason and flipped me off.  I ignored him and called the police, reminding them they hadn't followed up with anything they said they were going to do about my neighbor robbing my house.  Four days later, my neighbor did the same thing, this time I yelled back at him from my own property, telling him to leave me alone and to go back into his own house (plus a few cuss words).  He said he was calling the cops and I told him to go for it.  In less than ten minutes, five police were at my house, and I was arrested for the first time in my life, while weeding my own front yard.

I was arrested March 7, or 3/7.  March 7 is the 66th day of the year.
  • Zachary = 37
  • Zachary Hubbard = 66
Is it all a coincidence?  Or is this being fucked with by the numbers?

It should be noted that my neighbor moved into the house he lives in six months after I did, and just weeks after I participated in the May Day protest in Seattle, 5/1/2012.  The timing of him moving in now seems curious to me, because all this time he has been lying about what he does for a living, and he moved into a house that had been on the market for several years due to the condition of the property.  Perhaps he has been a government agent all this time.

These final words, I endorse this 111%.  From 7/21/83, to New York.


  1. March 3, 2015 you posted 3119 | The Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer and September 11, 2001. These guys and the Jesuits are the real deal.

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