Monday, October 26, 2015

33 47 74 137 | Tony Coleman, Lawyer for Adacia Chambers, OSU Homecoming Parade Tragedy

Notice the lawyer's name, and don't forget this story comes out of the extra masonic town of Stillwater, Oklahoma.

Tony = 2+6+5+7 = 20
Coleman = 3+6+3+5+4+1+5 = 27
Tony Coleman = 74

Tony = 20+15+14+25 = 74
Coleman = 3+15+12+5+13+1+14 = 63
Tony Coleman = 137 (137 is the 33rd Prime Number)

I'm starting to wonder if the footage put out of the incident is not real...  If it is, this really shows how these Masons run the whole show from start to finish.

There is a whole lot of 74 and 47 going on in Stillwater.

1 comment:

  1. If the footage is which I do not believe is than that first line says it all.


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