Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Facebook Is Making Me Do the Following to Log In?

First, it just made me identify images from my friends list, which was difficult because I don't know everyone by face since I have mostly friends who are subscribers of the blog/video channel and I don't know personally.... now that I accomplished that task, it is asking me to do the following....

Is this because I made a GoFundMe page?

First the major attack on YouTube...
Now an attack on Facebook...


  1. Keep your chin up. They are trying to bait you.

  2. Yes, it seems as though your Facebook has been deactivated. When I went to check a notification where someone commented on a post it says that the content is not available at this time. - Care Demar

    1. I don't think it is because of the gofundme thing. People do that all the time, it's not against the rules.

    2. Now those notifications from last night aren't even showing up in my notifications...they must have deactivated your account...how scandalous!

    3. ^ seems like it. Cannot access the Zach's page..

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Something about that looks odd. I don't think I would do it. It says "on you ID".

  4. Maybe because of the comment on the Mason page.
    Your comment was deleted.

  5. Try https://facebook.com/help/203305893040179
    Not sure if it will help? This is for when you get your account hacked. See what happens..

  6. Try https://facebook.com/help/203305893040179
    Not sure if it will help? This is for when you get your account hacked. See what happens..


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