Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, November 14, 2015

47 | November 13, 2015 Paris Attack, 'Suicide Belts' Used


  1. Not sure if you saw my other comments, and I don't remember where they are,

    So Bochy from France's SF wins tie with this and all the Golden Gate Bridge stuff as well. This takes place afterwards.

    Also that someone like Tony Parker (France) with Spurs for a finite number of championships ties with Budenholzer-Schroder (Germany/Dallas connection with Nowitzki) So Atlanta wins SB50, Schroder (71) takes reigns from Teague (Wake Forest) which connects Duncan, where Teague ends up probably signals an event in Germany in some way? Do the Cubs have to win the WS before Obama is eliminated?

    I also think what's becoming clear is that when the date lines up with a location, that is the site of the ritual, but that city does not WIN anything. Like how Atlanta (69) is the conduit for the 69 Miracle Mets. The 96 Olympics (now I know why my "little city" gets to host such an event) in ATL, just before ATL wins 2 IN NY, loses the next 4 (2 in ATL for the 2 they won in NY making those repaid. Losing the final 2 IN NY.) And what that does is put NY on a chain of 2 for ATL, which is why Yost gets the win in NY, and Atlanta gets the opening win in NY in playoffs this year.

    Somehow that makes perfect sense to me. Yet we're not all the way there. It's a riddle that connects everything.

    1. It's a Zionist game of connect the dots. Through the manipulation of our emotions (with rigged sports, and rigged tragedies), they keep us at a stasis of consciousness, right? David Icke gives up that point, but brings in the Reptilian bullshit.

      The events are chess moves, but they circle around in patterns. It's like now that I am in the process of proving to myself this game of life is rigged, my mind gets clearer. Haha. But that's the game within this one that we have to win.

      That's why your work brings someone like me into the fold. I think it's curious too that I had a friend move to the Bay Area recently, then I discover your work, meanwhile I have barely communicated with her since, while my sports team in the rigged game within the larger game is probably winning the SB in that location, which I'm trying to prove.

      Didn't you grow up a Giants fan? Haha.

    2. I'm really close:

      So in GB's 10-6 6 seed SB run, it's:

      10-6 regular season (the 16 they pick up/give up somewhere along the chain from somewhere else Brewers/Bucks/Wisconsin etc. The 16 is the total they currently have at this point to align correctly.)

      11-6 in Philly (and it HAS to be through Vick from Atlanta to get the 19, so that Atlanta collects the correct total this year through Ryan from Philly. 12 +7 is 19, This is a debt that adds up though.)

      12-6 (Victory IN ATL, 69/15 total. Look at the 48-21 score. It's 12-21. Rodgers gets his number which is the total he'll GIVE Ryan in GB. So GB is at 21, but the final score gives ATL MORE points that they collect through the WIN this year. What that has to mean is that Philly sports teams LOSE 1 as a result of this ritual, as do Wisconsin teams.

      13-6 (Victory over rival Bears in Chicago. I can't remember the final. But that's the pattern. The loser gets more points. He collects it through a win that gives the losing team MORE points to collect through other sports teams in that location.)

    3. G. S.
      You're in Atlanta? We should connect. I'm surrounded by dumbasses!

    4. G.S., how long did you follow my work before you began to produce like this? I am following your thinking very well and am looking forward to seeing how your predictions pan out. I think you're right about the dates and the coordinates, it happens quite often.

    5. Ha. Ray, at this point we've probably met before!

      You know what? My friend actually left Atlanta around this exact time last year. And the video that really got me interested in your work was a video trying to prove the rigged Seahawks SB. You were wearing a 49ers shirt. I'm not kidding.

      All my numbers (including hers as well I'm learning) lead back to 1. My name, birth date etc. ALSO around this time, I began setting out a path to become a teacher. Now I think I know why.

      I have more on the Falcons too, which I'll get into soon.
      Remember Ryan's 18 yard run in Dallas. It's the longest run of his career. I now get that that's actually 2 running 18 yards, I remember it being around midfield and I know it'll match up. But the 2 18 is Ryan/Manning. Look at my post about Teague (0). I'll get into it more later.

    6. Oh, so you have been following for a year? No matter how long, great work!

    7. See I can't quite remember that. I'm sure I saw that video at a key time. But the key is also that I didn't start putting your work to the sports until...what, 2 weeks ago?

    8. We've never met( that I'm aware of) and this isn't my site. I'm not even into football. Just noticed you were from ATL.

  2. Mikhail Kalashnikov

    "Mikhail " in the English Reduction system equals 36
    Kalashnikov" in the English Reduction system equals 42
    Mikhail Kalashnikov" in the English Reduction system equals 78

    Mikhail Kalashnikov in Jewish Gematria Equals: 1026 1116 186
    Mikhail in Jewish Gematria Equals:
    87 378 63
    Kalashnikov in Jewish Gematria Equals: 939 738 123

    Ak 47 Assault Rifle in Jewish Gematria Equals: 633 633+336=969
    Ak 47 Assault Rifle in English Gematria Equals: 930 930+039=969
    Ak 47 Assault Rifle in Simple Gematria Equals: 155 155+551=706 7+0+6=13

    Ak Forty Seven in Simple Gematria Equals: 1497 966 161
    Scottish Rite Of Freemasonry,
    Barack Obama President Of The United States,Masonic Grand Lodge,
    Planet Saturn,Seal Of Solomon,

    Kalashnikov, Ak in Jewish Gematria Equals: 950 810 135

    Mikhail Kalashnikov died on 12/23/2013
    The total number of days between Monday, December 23rd, 2013 and Friday, November 13th, 2015 is 690 days.
    Apocalypse in Jewish Gematria Equals: 690
    Freemasons,Lion Of Judah,Destroyed,
    Intelligence,Left Hand Path,Religious,

    Six Nine Zero in Simple Gematria Equals: 158
    Sacred Geometry,Children Of Israel,
    Day Of Atonement,Nation Of Israel,

    Member of the Order Of St Andrew

    Order of St. Andrew" in the English Reduction system equals 77
    Order Of St Andrew in Jewish Gematria Equals: 1495 1110 185

  3. The pictures in the Daily Mail look like they were taken on a set. The lighting is very queer, it looks artificial and everything is way too clean. The firemen uniforms are pristine, look like they have never been worn before. All the photos are very staged and fake.

    This one looks totally biblical. It reminds me of a painting of Jesus being pulled from the cross.

  4. Keep it going G.S.!!! On a side note 3/13/13 (Pope Francis) to 11/13/15 is 1,404,000 minutes.


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