Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, November 13, 2015

44 63 119 | BFMTV Reporting, Paris Shooting Hoax of November 13, 2015 (Bataclan Witness)

Julien = 1+3+3+9+5+5 = 26 (JP = 10+16 = 26)
Pierce = 7+9+5+9+3+5 = 38
Julien Pierce = 64 (Israel = 64)

Julien = 10+21+12+9+5+14 = 71
Pierce = 16+9+5+18+3+5 = 56
Julien Pierce = 127 (The # reported dead by many networks)

BFMTV = 2+6+13+20+22 = 63 (Paris = 63) (Charlie Hebdo = 63)

Supposedly, Julien Pierce saw the "terrorists" shooting into the crowd.

What is interesting, is how CNN uses two different spellings for his name.

Julien = 1+3+3+9+5+5 = 26 (JP = 10+16 = 26)
Pearce = 7+5+1+9+3+5 = 30
Julien Pierce = 56 (ISIS = 56)

Julien = 10+21+12+9+5+14 = 71
Pearce = 16+5+1+18+3+5 = 48
Julien Pierce = 119 (Star of David, All Seeing Eye)

The subheadline of 'like birds' is definitely more coded Gematria.

Like = 3+9+2+5 = 19
Birds = 2+9+9+4+1 = 25/34 (Massacre = 25) (Murder = 34)
Like Birds = 44/53 (Kill = 44) (Religion = 53)

Like = 12+9+11+5 = 37
Birds = 2+9+18+4+19 = 52
Like Birds = 89


  1. Wha- I remember seeing his name spelt as 'Pearce'? ...
    Weird as Julien Pearce in Simple English Gematria is 119. I thought I'd mention this in case you didn't know Zach. If you can't find it I can provide a link.

    1. They love to change name spellings, I will try and find the other way right now. Thank you.


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