Monday, December 7, 2015

33 46 74 | San Francisco 49ers When In Chicago, First Time Since 1974

It is no coincidence the 49ers won for the first time in Chicago since the year '74, on a date with '33' numerology.  The madmen, the Zionists, who run the NFL, love this numerology pairing, 33 and 74.

12/6/15 = 12+6+15 = 33

Further, notice what the final score of the game was, 26-20, for a sum of 46 points.

Chicago = 3+8+9+3+1+7+15 = 46

Solder Field has Gematria that has symmetry with Chicago.

The 49ers defeated the Bears, 34-0, November 17, 1974.  This date is interesting because of its numerology.

11/17/1974 = 11+17+19+74 = 121
Revelation = 18+5+22+5+12+1+20+9+15+14 = 121
Revelation = 9+5+4+5+3+1+2+9+6+5 = 49

The 49ers had 121 rushing yards yesterday, in the win.


  1. I have been seeing 46's all week. I think it was all done for the coming weeks. I always thought it was strange Rahm Emanuel gave up his spot in the Cabinet to go to Chicago. Looks like it's because he has a major role to play in the contrived race war trying to be promoted.

    1. He is the biggest Zionist Agent in the country, and Chicago is the Zionist Stronghold. It is very apparent why he is there.


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