Monday, December 7, 2015

33 | Peter Bergen, Mainstream Media Fear Monger & Liar, At It Again

From 2001 on, this guy has been doing nothing but making propaganda about Islamic Terrorism.  This is the man who brought us the majority of news stories on Osama bin Laden.  Pieces of shit like this need to be six feet under by tomorrow.

Bergen = 2+5+9+7+5+5 = 33


  1. Peter Bergen, Barbara Star, Wolf Blitzer, & Martha Raditch are the Royalty of disinfo. Anytime they do a report - know it is 100% not true.

    Disinformation =166. The White House =166.

    Dis-Info Agents =142. Terrorist =142.

    Dishonest =113. Not True =113. Exactly the way Gematria was meant to work.

    Liar Liar Liar =330.

  2. Mona Lisa Smile = 142
    The propaganda movie of that title was released a little over ten years after the founding of the Major League Soccer.
    They both share initials:
    MLS =44 Kill =44
    "They" are watching us and smirking at us.

    Add the definite article to a super hero and you get
    the Green Lantern = 166


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