Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

45 59 118 149 221 | Remember Donald Trump's "Second Amendment People" remarks? +2017 and the Second Amendment

2017 is the right year for an attack on the Second Amendment.

59, the 17th prime.  Here we are in 2017.

This will be a conversation should anything happen to Donald John Trump.

Second Amendment = 59/68
Donald John Trump = 68

Second = 1+5+3+6+5+4 = 24/33
Amendment = 1+4+5+5+4+4+5+5+2 = 35
Second Amendment = 59/68

Second = 19+5+3+15+14+4 = 60
Amendment = 1+13+5+14+4+13+5+14+20 = 89
Second Amendment = 149

Skull = 1+2+3+3+3 = 12/21
and = 1+5+4 = 10
Bones = 2+6+5+5+1 = 19/28
Skull and Bones = 41/59

Skull = 19+11+21+12+12 = 75
and = 1+14+4 = 19
Bones = 2+15+14+5+19 = 55
Skull and Bones = 149

I'd say in both regards, the '59' gematria is definitely fitting.  As guns and Skull and Bones are very much responsible for death and killing.

As for the date of its signing, it is also interesting.  It should be noted that the first Ten Amendments were all signed into law on this date.

12/15/1791 = 12+15+17+91 = 135
12/15/1791 = 12+15+(1+7+9+1) = 45 (Donald Trump, 45th President)
12/15/1791 = 1+2+1+5+1+7+9+1 = 27
12/15/91 = 12+15+91 = 118 (Death, Jewish Gematria)
12/15 = 12+15 = 27 (27, a number associated with death)

The election was on November 8, or 11/8.

Never forget, this was a nation that began with a lot of "death".

United States of America = 228 (Simple English Gematria)
Death = 228 (English Gematria)

*From Donald's birthday to Inauguration Day is 221-days.  This was a number coded into the 'Second Amendment People' headlines many times from this past August, 2016.

The Bavarian Illuminati = 221
*I'll find the posts... wait for update

The best example of the '221' coding came on August 9, 2016, emphasis on 8/9.

8/9/16 = 8+9+16 = 33 (False Flag = 33) (Masonry = 33) (Secrecy = 33)


  1. hey Zach - you are knocking them out of the park lately
    I saw this in the morning - occult numerology of holidays - probably just review for you but maybe there are some clues that have been overlooked

  2. What Date is Everyone Thinking?


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