Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

64 223 | The riddle with JFK's assassination, '223', and the Civil Rights act of July 2, 1964, makes a lot more sense with Obama transitioning to Trump

It was 223-days from the assassination of JFK, November 22, 1963, to the signing of the Civil Rights Act of July 2, 1964 by Lyndon B. Johnson.  I always thought that was funny, but now with the transition from Obama to Trump, it is all making a lot more sense.

Masonic = 223
The Synagogue of Satan = 223

Israel = 64; Zion = 64; Thelema = 64
*64-spaces on the chess board

Donald Trump began his Jesuit training in 1964.


  1. John Lewis " in the English Reduction system equals 43 / 52

    John Lewis " in the English Ordinal system equals 115

    115-52= .. 63 .. (David = 63) (1963 JFK)

    John Donald" in the English Ordinal system equals 97

    John Donald" in the English Reduction system equals 43

    Civil War= 97 & 43

    97-43= .. 54 ..

    2017-1963= .. 54 ..

    1. Sixty Three" in the English Reduction system equals 54

      JFK Died The 22nd.

      David" in the English Reduction system equals 22

      David Kill Trump" in the English Reduction system equals 64

  2. Remember ARI FLEISCHER'S tweet DURING the 1/6/17 FL Airport "Shooting"?

    Since he was BUSH JR.'s Press Secretary in 2001, I wondered what he'd been up to prior to 9/11.

    Unlike ANY other period -- Before OR After --
    HE ... "WENT SILENT FOR 18 DAYS" -- from: 8/4 to 8/21, 2001.

    He addressed the press on 8/3 ... then NOTHING -- Total Silence until he spoke again on 8/22.

    From 8/3 - 8/22 is a span of: 2 wks 6 days; 20 Days; 480 Hours.

    From the "Beginning Of His Silence" on 8/4 - 9/11 is a span of:
    38 Days; or 5 wks 3 days

    From 8/3 - 8/22 (the dates when he actually spoke) was: 20 DAYS

    From 8/23 (The Next Day) - 9/11 was: 20 DAYS

    Each period constituted 5.48% of 2001.

    Combined they equalled "40 DAYS AND 40 NIGHTS".

    (Think about all the Rain & Snow CURRENTLY being dumped ...)

    From ARI FLEISCHER'S tweet on 1/6/17 + 20 DAYS = 1/25/17

    Perhaps we'll receive Another "MESSAGE" from ARI on that date?

    From "The Next Day" of 1/26/17 + 20 DAYS = FEB 14

    FEB 14 falls on the 2nd TUES (out of 4) --
    & is the EXACT MIDDLE Of The Month.

    FEB 14 is not only VALENTINE'S DAY (noted for a "massacre") --

    But it's Also ... LUPERCALIA.

    It was also the date they finally "cornered & burned" Christopher DORNER a few years ago (I believe).

    Look for ARI FLEISCHER to comment PUBLICLY on 1/25 or 1/26.

    If he does -- EXPECT "Something HUGE" -- 20 DAYS LATER --

    Which should be FEB 13 or 14 ... !!

    Source: "White House Press Briefings" ... The American Presidency Project

    ;D :D

    1. Awesome work!
      United States of America = 84/228

    2. And that 8/4 , 22/8 connection really seals the deal!

    3. Thanks -- when the numbers all "fit" -- it blew my mind.

      ARI may STILL be the "Spokesman In Chief"! :D

    4. Wow, nice intuition! It may be like a Holiday in Cambodia!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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