Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

33 63 93 113 144 | Will it be 'Justice Garland' to replace Antonin Scalia?

Recall, this nomination is to replace Justice Scalia, who passed away on the 44th day of the year, the beginning day of the festival of Lupercalia.

Lupercalia = 3+3+7+5+9+3+1+3+9+1 = 44
Lupercalia, the 44th day of the year

'Forty-Four' has a relationship with '144'.  Checkout the gematria of 'Justice Garland'.

Forty-Four = 6+15+18+20+25+6+15+21+18 = 144
Justice = 10+21+19+20+9+3+5 = 87
Garland = 7+1+18+12+1+14+4 = 57 (Supreme Court = 57)
Justice Garland = 144 (Mark of the Beast)

Further, Justice Garland has been nominated at age '63'.

Justice = 1+3+1+2+9+3+5 = 24/33
Garland = 7+1+9+3+1+5+4 = 30
Justice Garland = 54/63 (Obama is currently 54) (Mark of the Beast = 63)

63 can be used to represent 6-6-6
Mark of the Beast = 144; Mark of the Beast references '666'
If you sum first 144 decimal points of Pi, it totals 666

Remember, 2016 is the year of '666'.

2016 >>> 216 >>> 6x6x6 = 216
2016 = 20+16 = 36 >>> 1 through 36 summed, totals 666
666+666+666+6+6+6 = 2016

From Garland's November 13, 2015 birthday to the date of his nomination is a span of 4 months and 4 days.

This is similar to how 'President Biden' sums to 144, a man who might replace the 44th President, Barack Obama, before it is all said and done.

In my earlier post on 'Merrick Gardland', I pointed out his connection to '71' and how this nomination comes in a span of 33-days starting with the death of Scalia, February 13, 2016, the 44th day of the year.

Merrick = 4+5+9+9+9+3+2 = 41
Brian = 2+9+9+1+5 = 26
Garland = 7+1+9+3+1+5+4 = 30
Merrick Brian Garland = 97
Merrick Garland = 71

Checkout what 'Forty-Four', 'Seventy-One' and '144' all have in common.

More decode on the justice.

What stands out to me about the judge nominated are his initials, MG.

M = 13 = 4
G = 7
MG = 137 or 47

The numerical significance of those initials is fitting for the job.

Washington D.C. = 23+1+19+8+9+14+7+20+15+14+4+3 =  137 (33rd Prime Number)
Judge = 10+21+4+7+5 = 47

Let us decode the name, Merrick Garland.

Merrick = 4+5+9+9+9+3+2 = 41
Brian = 2+9+9+1+5 = 26
Garland = 7+1+9+3+1+5+4 = 30
Merrick Brian Garland = 97
Merrick Garland = 71 (Think of relationship between 44 and 71)

Merrick = 13+5+18+18+9+3+11 = 77 (Washington D.C., on 77th Meridian) (Court = 77)
Brian = 2+18+9+1+14 = 44
Garland = 7+1+18+12+1+14+4 = 57 (Supreme Court)
Merrick Brian Garland = 178
Merrick Garland = 134

Notice that Garland comes from Chicago, as many of these Zionist Gangsters do.

Israel established in '47
Mafia = 47 (Jewish Gematria)
Judge = 47; Gavel = 47; Obey = 47; Authority = 47

His birthday is also November 13, the date of the Paris Terror attack hoax of this past year.  It is interesting that he turned 63-years old that day.

Paris = 16+1+18+9+19 = 63
Charlie Hebdo = 3+8+1+9+3+9+5+8+5+2+4+6 = 63
*Recall the relationships between these events
*Recall the overwhelming '63' connections

Also, with regards to the Paris attack hoax, it reminds of the Garland, TX attack hoax of May 3, 2015, which was in relation to a 'draw Muhammad' cartoon contest, much like Charlie Hebdo.

America = 32; Freemason = 96

The date of his birthday has interesting numerology.

11/13/1952 = 11+13+19+52 = 95 (His path to the Supreme Court began in '95)
11/13/1952 = 11+13+(1+9+5+2) = 41 (Merrick)
11/13/1952 = 1+1+1+3+1+9+5+2 = 23
11/13/52 = 11+13+52 = 76 (Master)

He attended Harvard at Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Harvard = 8+1+9+4+1+9+4 = 36/54
Harvard = 8+1+18+22+1+18+4 = 72

Cambridge = 3+1+4+2+9+9+4+7+5 = 44
Massachusetts = 4+1+1+1+1+3+8+3+1+5+2+2+1 = 33/69
Cambridge, Massachusetts = 77/113

The '113' coding ties in nicely with 'Justice Merrick Garland'.

Justice = 1+3+1+2+9+3+5 = 24/33
Merrick = 4+5+9+9+9+3+2 = 41/50
Garland = 7+1+9+3+1+5+4 = 30
Justice Merrick Garland = 95/104/113

Recall, Justice Scalia was born on March 11, often written 11/3.  Merrick birthday's of 11/13 isn't too far off, is it?

11:30 post time
Cambridge = 3+1+13+2+18+9+4+7+5 = 62
Massachusetts = 13+1+19+19+1+3+8+21+19+5+20+20+19 = 168
Cambridge, Massachusetts = 230

The fact that he participated in the Oklahoma City Bombing tells us all we need to know about him.  He is on the inside, he is crook, he is part of the gang that is selling us out.  As you might recall, the OKC Bombing has a major '144' connection as well.

Alfred = 1+3+6+9+5+4 = 28
P. = 7
Murrah = 4+3+9+9+1+8 = 34
Federal = 6+5+4+5+9+1+3 = 33
Building = 2+3+9+3+4+9+5+7 = 42 (Freemason)
Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building = 144

Read about the Oklahoma City Bombing and Waco here:

It other words it has been 21-years since his process to becoming a Supreme.  Remember, 'Saturn' is the keeper of time, and time has a Jewish Gematria of '144'.

Saturn = 1+1+2+3+9+5 = 21/30
Saturn = 19+1+20+21+18+14 = 93

We talked about the significance of November 13 in regards to the recent Paris attack hoax.

Notice that Garland is Jewish, no surprises there, it ties right in with being from Chicago and being part of this "real terrorist outfit".  His mother's birth name was Horwitz.

Horwitz = 8+6+9+5+9+2+8 = 47 (Star of David)
Horwitz = 8+15+18+23+9+20+26 = 119 (Star of David) (All Seeing Eye)

I love the 'fleeing anti-semitism' part and starting a "better" life in America.

His high school has a connection to 'Cambridge, Massachusetts', where Harvard is located.

Notice how they emphasize his studies in '74.

Masonic = 13+1+19+15+14+9+3 = 74

Merrick graduated in '77.

Merrick = 13+5+18+18+9+3+11 = 77
Judaism = 10+21+4+1+9+19+13 = 77

Imagine the kind of connections you have to have to get the jobs he received out of college.

As I always say, to be on the Supreme Court, you have to be a corporate fascist.

Corporation = 3+15+18+16+15+18+1+20+9+15+14 = 144
Mark of the Beast = 13+1+18+11+15+6+20+8+5+2+5+1+19+20 = 144

He joined the Federal Government in 1993, seemingly becoming a pro at false flag coverups, including the Oklahoma City Bombing and the Atlanta Olympics of '96.  You could call him a master of 'propaganda' making, fitting for the '93 entrance.

Propaganda = 16+18+15+16+1+7+1+14+4+1 = 93 (Saturn = 93; keeper of 'Time'; Time = 144)
Freemason = 6+18+5+5+13+1+19+15+14 = 96

Saturn, keeper of "time".

Time... Judge?

Notice the man who investigated the '96 Olympic Game bombings was appointed on September 6, 1995, a date with '39' numerology, as well.

9/6/1995 = 9+6+1+9+9+5 = 39

Further, notice that he was confirmed to the D.C. Circuit Seat on March 19, 1997.

3/19/1997 = 3+19+19+97 = 138 (138+831 = 969, the speed of Saturn, 96.9 k/s)
3/19/1997 = 3+19+(1+9+9+7) = 48
3/19/1997 = 3+1+9+1+9+9+7 = 39 (39 Books in OT)
3/19/97 = 3+19+97 = 119 (Horwitz) (All Seeing Eye) (Star of David)

The date he became Chief Justice was fitting.

2/12/2013 = 2+12+20+13 = 47 (Judge)
2/12/2013 = 2+12+(2+0+1+3) = 20 (Judge)
2/12/2013 = 2+1+2+2+0+1+3 = 11
2/12/13 = 27 

And the the case about Parker v District of Columbia having to do with 'handguns' is funny.

Handgun = 8+1+5+4+7+3+5 = 33
Parker = 7+1+9+2+5+9  = 33

6/23/2008 = 6+23+20+08 = 57 (Supreme Court)

The date of his nomination comes in a span of 33-days from Scalia's death.

3/16/2016 = 3+16+20+16 = 55
3/16/2016 = 3+16+(2+0+1+6) = 28
3/16/2016 = 3+1+6+2+0+1+6 = 19
3/16/16 = 3+16+16 = 35

'87 was a good year for a young, masonic justice, to get married.

Justice = 10+21+19+20+9+3+5 = 87
Antonin = 1+14+20+15+14+9+14 = 87

Early reporting on the Merrick nomination.


  1. Garland, as a symbol, is used for a crowning achievement. A ring of flowers adjourned upon the head. They are used heavily in Christian Art and Lit, which is ironic for a Jewish man. A lil mockery?


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