Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

17 42 47 74 119 142 | Ted Kaczynski, "Unabomer", turns 74-years old, May 22, 2016 (In light of Merrick Garland nomination)

In light of the Supreme Court nomination of Merrick Garland, who once worked the case on Ted Kaczynski, let's do a little decoding.

Theodore = 2+8+5+6+4+6+9+5 = 45 (Ted = 2+5+4 = 11)
John = 1+6+8+5 = 20
Kaczynski = 2+1+3+8+7+5+1+2+9 = 38/47/56
Theodore John Kacczynski = 103/112/121 (112, alt dialing code for 911)
Ted Kaczynski = 49/58/67 (Freemasonry = 58/67) (Washington = 49/58)

Theodore = 20+8+5+15+4+15+18+5 = 90 (Ted = 20+5+4 = 29)
John = 10+15+8+14 = 47
Kaczynski = 11+1+3+26+25+14+19+11+9 = 119 (All Seeing Eye) (Star of David)
Theodore John Kaczynski = 256
Ted Kaczynski = 148 (888, English Gematria)

47 and 119 were two of the biggest number in September 11, notice how they're both coded into the name Theodore John Kaczynski.  The September 11 attacks lasted 102 minutes, or 1:42.

Notice he was born on May 22, the 142nd day of the year.  He is known as a 'terrorist'.

Notice May 22 is also the day that leaves 223-days remaining in the year.  The number for 'Masonic'.

The fact that Kaczynski is turning 74-years old later this year stands out.  He turns 74-years old one day before May 23, the date I have marked down on my calendar.

Masonic = 13+1+19+15+14+9+3 = 74

Notice Ted attended Harvard, Berkley and University of Michigan, all very academically competitive schools.  The details about how he might have participated in an MK Ultra experiment at Harvard under Professor Murray is interesting.

Murray = 13+21+18+18+1+25 = 96
MK Ultra = 13+11+21+12+20+18+1 = 96
Freemason = 6+18+5+5+13+1+19+15+14 = 96

Murray = 4+3+9+9+1+7 = 33
MK Ultra = 4+2+3+3+2+9+1 = 24/33

Lincoln, Montana has a connection to 'Freemasonry' as well as 'Ted Kaczynski'.

Lincoln = 3+9+5+3+6+3+5 = 34
Montana = 4+6+5+2+1+5+1 = 24
Lincoln, Montana = 58 (Freemasonry, Ted Kaczynski)

Lincoln = 12+9+14+3+15+12+14 = 79 (Important number to FBI)
Montana = 13+15+14+20+1+14+1 = 78
Lincoln, Montana = 157

The date of his letter to the NY Times, April 24, 1995, fits the 'terrorist' pattern.

4/24/1995 = 4+24+19+95 = 142 (Terrorist)
4/24/1995 = 4+24+(1+9+9+5) = 52
4/24/1995 = 4+2+4+1+9+9+5 = 34
4/24/95 = 4+24+95 = 123 (Conspiracy)

Notice this was just years before the 1:42 long terrorist attack in NYC, on September 11.

NYC = 14+25+3 = 42
Forty-Two = 6+15+18+20+25+20+23+15 = 142

The span of 17-years also stands out.  If you sum 1-17, it totals 153.  '153' is a number often connected to '42'.  There are 153-fish caught in the miraculous catch of fish from the Bible.

Fish = 6+9+19+8 = 42
153-fish in 'miraculous' catch
Miraculous = 4+9+9+1+3+3+3+6+3+1 = 42

The FBI loves to involve themselves with hoaxes by the numbers.  In fact, from studying our nation's history, it seems that FBI's true purpose has been to hoax the people by the numbers.


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  4. They sure do like that 522 number. I don't think we have that figured out all the way yet. Maybe it's some date in history they keep reviving. Angela Merkel is also 522. That woman isn't who she says she is. I got her filed under "illegitament child" of someone important. Rumors are it's Hitler himself.


  6. Kaczynski brothers & KaczyƄski brothers.... coincidence..?


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