Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

33 41 44 59 113 149 | The July 27, 1996, Olympic Game Bombings by 'Eric Robert Rudolph'

Government = 133

Let us begin with the date of the bombing, July 27, 1996.

7/27/1996 = 7+27+19+96 = 149 (Skull and Bones)
7/27/1996 = 7+27+(1+9+9+6) = 59 (Skull and Bones) (Kill) (Atlanta, Georgia)
7/27/1996 = 7+2+7+1+9+9+6 = 41 (Skull and Bones) (41, 13th Prime Number) (USA)
7/27/96 = 7+27+96 = 130 (Washington)

It took place in Atlanta, Georgia, on the 33rd Parallel.

Atlanta = 1+2+3+1+5+2+1 = 15
Georgia = 7+5+6+9+7+9+1 = 44 (Kill)
Atlanta, Georgia = 59 (Kill)

Atlanta = 1+20+12+1+14+20+1 = 69
Georgia = 7+5+15+18+7+9+1 = 62
Atlanta, Georgia = 131

Atlanta is on the 33rd Parallel North, an important number in 'false flag' attacks.

False Flag = 6+1+3+1+5+6+3+1+7 = 33/42
False Flag = 6+1+12+19+5+6+12+1+7 = 69 (Atlanta)

Notice Atlanta is also on the 84th Meridian West.

United = 3+5+9+2+5+4 = 28
States = 1+2+1+2+5+1 = 12
of = 6+6 = 12
America = 1+4+5+9+9+3+1 = 32
United States of America = 84

The man blamed for the bombing is 'Eric Robert Rudolph'.

Eric = 5+9+9+3 = 26
Robert = 9+6+2+5+9+2 = 33
Rudolph = 9+3+4+6+3+7+8 = 40
Eric Robert Rudolph = 99
ERR = 5+9+9 = 23

Eric = 5+18+9+3 = 35
Robert = 18+15+2+5+18+20 = 78
Rudolph = 18+21+4+15+12+16+8 = 94
Eric Robert Rudolph = 207
ERR = 5+18+18 = 41

It was supposedly Richard Jewel who discovered the bomb prior to detonation and helped people avoid what could have been a worst 'catastrophe'.

Richard = 9+9+3+8+1+9+4 = 43
Jewel = 1+5+5+5+3 = 19
Richard Jewel = 62 (Georgia = 62) (Mason)

Richard = 18+9+3+8+1+18+4 = 61
Jewel = 10+5+23+5+12 = 55
Richard Jewel = 116 (911 upside down)

The name 'Richard' also corresponds with 'ALICE Pack', what the bomb was in.

ALICE = 1+3+9+3+5 = 21/30
Pack = 7+1+3+2 = 13
ALICE Pack = 34/43 (Richard = 43)

ALICE = 1+12+9+3+5 = 30
Pack = 16+1+3+11 = 31
ALICE Pack = 61 (Richard)

They say 1 person was killed and 111 more were injured; interesting numbers.  Notice that is 112 people total, and again, 112 is the alternate dialing code for 911.

Notice Eric was born September 19, 1966, and is currently 49-years old.  We find more routine masonic coding within his birthday.

9/19/1966 = 9+19+19+66 = 113 (Mainstream, Dishonest, Green Screen)
9/19/1966 = 9+19+(1+9+6+6) = 50 (America)
9/19/1966 = 9+1+9+1+9+6+6 = 41 (USA) (Date numerology of bombing)
9/19/66 = 9+19+66 = 94

My guess is 'Jewel' was the operative who was largely responsible for whatever went on that day.  That's how he knew to "find the bomb and call away the people in close proximity".

So get that, 4 bombings, in the 4th state, Georgia.

Georgia = 7+5+6+9+7+9+1 = 44

The timing of 1:20 is interesting.

Illuminati = 9+12+12+21+13+9+14+1+20+9 = 120

If you count the death from the hear attack, that is '113' people impacted.

Again, '113' is a number often coded into the masonic hoaxes.

'Army of God' as the listed perpetrator is quite comical.  "message received".

'Christian Terrorism' also has the same gematria as 'assassin'.

'Town Square' has familiar gematria of '153', a number often connected to '113' and '42'.

Jack Mack and the Heart Attack as the band playing at the time of the incident is likely no coincidence.  This news is meant to scare people and the powers that be likely intend to stricken some with heart attacks.  Even in the reporting, they say one person died from a related heart attack.

The "Sandy thing" was even going on back then.  Sandy = 18/27/63

Notice the woman who was killed was 44-years old, supposedly.

Kill = 11+9+12+12 = 44 (Georgia = 44)

Her name, Alice Hawthorne.  Remember, the bomb blew up in an ALICE Pack.

Alice = 1+3+9+3+5 = 21
Hawthorne = 8+1+5+2+8+6+9+5+5 = 49
Alice Hawthorne = 70

Alice = 1+12+9+3+5 = 30
Hawthorne = 8+1+23+20+8+15+18+14+5 = 112 (911 alt)
Alice Hawthorne = 142 (Terrorist = 142)

She was from Albany, Georgia.

Albany = 1+3+2+1+5+7 = 19
Georgia = 7+5+6+9+7+9+1 = 44
Albana, Georgia = 63 

Albany = 1+12+2+1+14+25 = 55
Georgia = 7+5+15+18+7+9+1 = 62
Albany, Georgia = 117

Let us also decode the name of the man who had the heart attack, Melih Uzunyol.

Melih = 4+5+3+9+8 = 29
Uzunyol = 3+8+3+5+7+6+3 = 35
Melih, Uzunyol = 64

Melih = 13+5+12+9+8 = 47
Uzunyol = 21+26+21+14+25+15+12 = 134
Melih Uzunyol = 181

Notice Clinton's words about an 'evil act of terror'.

The gematria connects to the homicide code, 187, as well as the gematria of 'murder'.

The date Rudolph was named as the suspect in all four bombings stands out, October 14, 1998.

10/14/1998 = 10+14+19+98 = 141
10/14/1998 = 10+14+(1+9+9+8) = 51 (Conspiracy) (Federal)
10/14/1998 = 1+0+1+4+1+9+9+8 = 33 (Federal)
10/14/98 = 10+14+98 = 122 (Freemason)

October is the only month with '33' gematria.

October = 6+3+2+6+2+5+9 = 33

The date of his arrest connects back to the date of the original bombing.

5/31/2003 = 5+31+20+03 = 59 (Atlanta, Georgia)
5/31/2003 = 5+31+(2+0+0+3) = 41 (Skull and Bones)
5/31/2003 = 5+3+1+2+0+0+3 = 14
5/31/03 = 5+31+03 = 39

The date of the bombing was July 27, 1996.

7/27/1996 = 7+27+(1+9+9+6) = 59 (Skull and Bones) (Kill) (Atlanta, Georgia)

May 31 is the 151st day of the year.

Notice the date he was sentenced to three concurrent terms of imprisonment, August 22, 2005, written as 22/8.  Let us not forget the Olympic Bombing came on the 84th Meridian West.

It took 9-years for him to be sentenced for the bombing.  2016 will mark 11-years since.


  1. Nice. My sister was close by that night. Pretty awesome time in Atlanta until that moment and then the curse began.

  2. These numbers are connected to Garland somehow.

  3. Eric R Rudolph in Simple Gematria Equals: 147
    Eight Eight Eight in Simple Gematria Equals: 147
    Ted Kaczynski in English Gematria Equals: 888
    Merrick Garland
    He became chief judge on February 12, 2013
    Date difference from Feb 12, 2013 to Mar 16, 2016
    The total number of days between Tuesday, February 12th, 2013 and Wednesday, March 16th, 2016 is 1,128 days.
    Eight Hundred Eighty Eight in Jewish Gematria Equals: 1128
    Ted Kaczynski in English Gematria Equals: 888

    "Eric R Rudolph" in the English Reduction system equals 75
    "New World Order" in the English Reduction system equals 75


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