Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, March 24, 2016

17 33 31 41 71 86 113 123 142 | Mason Wells, Mormon Missionary who has survived "Three Terrorist Attacks"

Third brush with terror, eh?  How stupid do they take the masses for?  Notice that all three of his "brushes" are with manufactured masonic hoaxes, and the kids name is 'Mason'.

Boston Marathon Bombing, HOAX!
Friday November 13 Paris Attack, HOAX!
Belgium Bombing, HOAX!

Let us now decode the name, 'Mason Wells'.

Mason = 4+1+1+6+5 = 17/26
Wells = 5+5+3+3+1 = 17/26
Mason Wells = 34/52 (Attack on date with '34' numerology) (Devil = 52)
***3/22/2016 = 3+22+(2+0+1+6) = 34 (3/22, Satanist high holy day)

Mason = 13+1+19+15+14 = 62
Wells = 23+5+12+12+19 = 71
Mason Wells = 133

Notice the '17' and '71' coding.  This ties in with 'American Mormon'.

The word 'missionary' also has a connection to 'terrorist'.

Saying he was age 'Nineteen' also connects with the date of the attack, as well as 'Skull and Bones', the Masonic Order that identifies by the number 322, also corresponding with the date, March 22.

22/3/16 = 22+3+16 = 41
9/11/2001 = 9+11+20+01 = 41 (al Qaeda = 41) (USA = 41)

Also, 'Nineteen' has a connection to words such as 'Symbol', 'Triangle', 'Pyramid'.

As for the phrase, 'American Mormon Missionary', it has a connection to conspiracy.

Remember, this Brussels attack came 130-days after the Paris hoax which supposedly killed 130.

And checkout the detail about his ruptured 'achilles tendon'.

Achilles = 1+3+8+9+3+3+5+1 = 33/42
Tendon = 2+5+5+4+6+5 = 27
Achilles Tendon = 60/69 (Conspiracy = 51/60/123)

Achilles = 1+3+8+9+12+12+5+19 = 69
Tendon = 20+5+14+4+15+14 = 72
Achilles Tendon = 141

Kymberly?  Who spells the name that way?

Kymberly = 2+7+4+2+5+9+3+7 = 39/48
Wells = 5+5+3+3+1 = 17/26
Kymberly Wells = 56/65/74 (Masonic = 74) (Mason Wells mom...)

Kymberly = 11+25+13+2+5+18+12+25 = 111 (666, English Gematria)
Wells = 23+5+12+12+19 = 81
Kymberly Wells = 192

Chad = 3+8+1+4 = 16
Wells = 5+5+3+3+1 = 17/26
Chad Wells = 33/42

Chad = 3+8+1+4 = 16
Wells = 23+5+12+12+19 = 81
Chad Wells = 97

A 'miracle' from 'God', eh?  These people have no shame.  I wish I could say I believed in hell.

God in 'Simple English Gematria' also connects to 'Mason'.

Mason = 17/26/62

Further, notice that 'God' in English Gematria sums to 156.  911 is the 156th prime number.

The second bomb supposedly went off at 9:11 AM.

This reminds me of the 'two towers' going down on 9/11, towers that lasted for '33' years.

Second = 1+5+3+6+5+4 = 24/33

He had a Mormon buddy, which makes sense, because mormon missionaries typically travel in groups of two or more.

Joseph = 1+6+1+5+7+8 = 28/37
Empey = 5+4+7+5+7 = 28
Joseph Empey = 56/65

Joseph = 10+15+19+5+16+8 = 73
Empey = 5+13+16+5+25 = 64
Joseph Empey = 137 (33rd Prime Number)

I think I'm overlooking the symbolism of this selfie.

Here is another agent with an appropriate name for the date and event.

Richard = 9+9+3+8+1+9+4 = 43
Norby = 5+6+9+2+7 = 29
Richard Norby = 72

Richard = 18+9+3+8+1+18+4 = 61 (Numerology of date of attack)
Norby = 14+15+18+2+25 = 74 (Masonic) (Mason's sponsor)
Richard Norby = 135

Who is fooled by these stupid fucking pictures?  Notice how the one guy with the briefcase is walking by saying, "What the fuck is this poser doing"?

Karen Northshield?  Sounds like a name straight out of a storybook.

Karen = 2+1+9+5+5 = 22/31
Northshield = 5+6+9+2+8+1+8+9+5+3+4 = 60/69
Karen Northshield = 82/100

Karen = 11+1+18+5+14 = 49
Northshield = 14+15+18+20+8+19+8+9+5+12+4 = 132
Karen Northshield = 181

Dikembe!  Hahahahaha!!!!  Don't tell me these athletes aren't masonic stooges.

Dikembe = 4+9+2+5+4+2+5 = 31/40
Mutombo = 4+3+2+6+4+2+6 = 27
Dikembe Mutombo = 58/67 (Freemasonry = 58/67)

Dikembe = 4+9+11+5+13+2+5 = 49
Mutombo = 13+21+20+15+13+2+15 = 99
Dikembe Mutombo = 148 (888, English Gematria)

One last point, Mason is from 'Sandy, Utah'.

Sandy = 1+1+5+4+7 = 18/27
Utah = 3+2+1+8 = 14
Sandy, Utah = 32/41 (41 numerology, attack date)

Sandy = 19+1+14+4+25 = 63
Utah = 21+20+1+8 = 50
Sandy, Utah = 113 (Mainstream, Dishonest, Green Screen, Scottish)

The only question left is this.  When Will Mason survive his fourth attack?



  2. Also, he's from

    Sandy, Utah----113, which makes me think of a fourth hoax. And just for shits and giggles, I searched the distance from quaint Sandy to suburban Newton, CONnecticut...

    Sites vary but most say either 2230 or 2231 miles. Either way, that's an inverted 322 or 1322 for a confirmation digit.

    1. Obviously fake as shit. His first name is Elder. So Elder Mason(ascend)Wells(descend)

      Elder Mason Ascension----1230

      Final American Ascension---1230

    2. American Descension----505(J), 1026, 171

    3. A little triple m involved too.


      Triple M---93

    4. Do they have a

      Mason's Mormon Missionary---1380(J), 311 Simple

      Or should we just look at

      A Mormon Missionary Named Mason---330

    5. And what were those injuries??

      Burns and Shrapnel----186, 1116

      That's a great Death Metal band name.

  3. That selfie has a sticker that says 'no time to waste' = 179 funny that 'surviving death' =179

    Anyways, I think I made some ground on the stanley cup. The signs point to the islanders vs the ducks. I'm at work away from my notes but off the top of my head I remember the isles coach was born on a day with 99 numerology, zach mentioned that's a clue we are looking for. Captain john Tavares shares a birthday with the owner of the ducks. Matching numerology.. It will be the isles 6th conference title should they win, in the 44th year of existance. Both goalies for the ducks have interesting gematria, take a look. Its the ducks 23rd year of existance. They have 1 cup, 2 conf titles. So guessing they win they will be 2 and 3. Last night i seen a reeces peanut butter cup commercial, it mentioned something about how these cups were built for the playoffs or whatever. The visual showed a score board with NYI and ANA on it. Funny because they can only meet in the final. Take a quick google guys, I really think thats the match up, outside chance of dallas, im still studying.

    1. I put some money on the ducks yesterday, quite a few things line up for them based on all that you and others have shared.

  4. By the way NEW YORK and CALIFORNIA in the final WILL set records for ratings, the league can market Tavares better too. And of course the obvious numerology connection between new york and 2016

  5. He'll probably be at the assination of Barry satoro next then they'll have a story detailing his eye witness account. Remember, the Mormons thinks blacks are an accursed race and this kid is a Mormon

  6. Why try when so many people are brainfuckingdead? They can literally make a headline "The Freemasons made up the hoax in Belgium", and the sheep wouldn't care.

  7. What is that hand sign the blond one is making in the selfie?


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